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  1. cdlittleton

    Cdlittletons Member Page

    Hi y'all! Greetings from Texas! We got 4 baby chicks, one for each of our children, just before Easter. We got 1 Barred Rock, 1 Easter Egger, and 2 Rhode Island Reds. We loved the idea of having pets that produce eggs to eat and can fertilize the garden! We also thought the kids would enjoy...
  2. cdlittleton

    Hello from Texas

    Quote: Thanks! Glad to be here!
  3. cdlittleton

    Hello from Texas

    We're worried that our RIRs (Buffy & Rosey) might be boys too. We know Chica (BR) is girl. Don't know what we'll do if we are only left with her. She's the sweetest chick ever and calls for the others if she gets lost from them in the yard. What do you think about our RIR's? Roos?
  4. cdlittleton

    Hello from Texas

    We came across this site when we decided we wanted to add chickens to our family. We got some great ideas for building our coop. We got 4 chicks, one for each of our children. 1 Barred Rock (Chica), 1 EE (Cocoa - turned out to be a roo), and 2 RIRs (Buffy & Rosey). We're enjoying having them...
  5. cdlittleton

    found a rooster in the park with pics

    I just found this thread but I wanted to say what a great story! Amazing the difference in the before & after pics! I love all the pics, especially the ones with your dog! Keep up the good work!
  6. cdlittleton

    Ameracauna sexing 14 wks

    They both look like girls to me but I'm still new to this. They're both beautiful birds!!
  7. cdlittleton

    Hens or Roos?? RIRs

    We took Cocoa the Cockerel back to the feed store where we bought him and one of the men who worked there loved him and was carrying him around and said he was taking him home! He has an old rooster that's too tired to chase the girls anymore. lol He lives near the store and said we could...
  8. cdlittleton

    Hens or Roos?? RIRs

    What's a partridge rock? We got all 4 of these as 3 day old chicks. Since I guess now we'll only have the one, is it better to get young chicks and brood them again or try and get pullets the same age as the one left?
  9. cdlittleton

    Hens or Roos?? RIRs

    Oh no! They're both roosters? How can you tell for sure? Wow how did we get 3 out of 4 roosters?! Is there any way to tell them apart as chicks? We're not allowed roosters where we live. Thanks!
  10. cdlittleton

    Hens or Roos?? RIRs

    Here's a pic of our EE roo (had the chipmunk coloring as a chick)
  11. cdlittleton

    Hens or Roos?? RIRs

    I'm newbie to having backyard chickens. I found this site when researching getting our chicks and ideas for building a coop. It's been very helpful! We have 4 almost 12wk old chicks, a Barred Rock (which we thought was a Dominique initially), EE (which just started crowing this weekend), and...
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