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  • Users: ditto
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  1. ditto

    What breed is she?

    She's 5 or 6 weeks old. I ordered a welsummer lol
  2. ditto

    What breed is she?

  3. ditto

    Video: Drinking the fresh water

    Made me thirsty just looking at the video, lol! What kind of chickens are they? I have a hen that looks just like yours, and always just called her a mutt.
  4. ditto

    RIR not laying since we got a roo. any idea why?

    our 1 year old rir hen who was a fantastic layer, has not laid one egg since we brought home a rooster. the other girls continue to lay, and Red is not broody. And she doesn't seem to be molting. Has anyone had this happen? Will she recover?
  5. ditto

    to spray/dust/worm or not--questions from a newbie

    i have 4 hens in a small coop/outdoor run, in western maryland. should i be worming them, spraying the coop, and dusting the birds as a preventive to any pests, or do i just enjoy their goood health and be prepared to spraywormdust when there's a need to do so? thanks
  6. ditto

    Will this work for maintaining run floor long term?

    So....when you say you hose it down, you mean just a gentle spray to control dust, right? not a complete dousing that makes everything mud, right? why else would you hose down a dirt floor?
  7. ditto

    Is the behavior in my coop "normal"?

    i had to laugh at Stormylady's reply. it's true, even with human teenage boys, the more ya got, the louder they are!
  8. ditto

    How many chickens do you own?

    i have 4. and i'd love to see if the average chicken mama has a few or a bunch, so how many do you have?
  9. ditto

    Where do you get your DE from?

    our local feed store didnt' carry it but they were willing to special order it for me. $10 for a 5lb bag. and, when i say feed store, i mean out in the country farmer's feed store, not TSC. they don't have it , and so far haven't been able to special order it
  10. ditto

    found my chicken next door

    Cowdogcadillac, that doesn't work with teenage chickens. All you get is lip about you not trusting them, and how all their other chicken friends are allowed to visit the neighbors.
  11. ditto

    New coop! *WARNING: LOTS OF PICS!*

    oh, i want one! it's really wonderful! one newbie question, though. you don't have a door on the chicken doorway. is that common? ok, 2 questions-- what made you decide to have it built that way?
  12. ditto

    Chillin in the coop (pic heavy)

    they are beautiful birds! what kind of chickie are they?
  13. ditto

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    lol, funny you should say that. i've got a snake (skinned and gutted) in my freezer now, thanks to my 'mountain man' boys! just waiting.....wwwaaaaiiiiittttiiiinnnnggg for that thing to be GONE! actually they roasted half of it, and had leftovers
  14. ditto

    girls? boys? & what breeds? could you help? (pix heavy)

    sorry about the poor pix. i asked the kids to get pix of their heads and bodies, and that's all i got, lol --no whole chickens! First, there's Red. These 3 are all almost 5 months old. then, there's Goldilocks. And finally, Roxy.
  15. ditto

    who and what am i?

    i was thinking black sex link mix also. and i'm pretty sure she's a girl. not sure about the texas two step, but she's definitely my baby
  16. ditto

    who and what am i?

    we assume she's a girl, but we named her Sunshine Bob just in case. you know, could go either way. and i'm kinda curious as to what kind of chickie she is, not that it really matters. is my photo good enough for anyone to tell? i'd like to id the rest of my chickies, but can't get anymore pix...
  17. ditto

    no roost

    my 4 girls are in a temporary coop with no roost. is that ok? are they the only chickens that have no roosts? they have a nice predator-safe coop and run otherwise, just no roosting space. i'm still trying to get school work/ spring cleaning done, and my summer's been delayed a few weeks. i...
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