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  1. S

    Do I need to cull?

    No... this is the beginning of day 5 now I guess.
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    Do I need to cull?

    It's on day 4. It hatched late, on day 24. It's still in the incubator b/c it's warm and if I put it in the brooder with the other chicks I'm worried it'll get picked apart.
  3. S

    Do I need to cull?

    This is a link to a google drive file with a video of this chick... trying to figure out if I should cull it to keep it from suffering(?)... starving or being picked apart by other chicks... it seems blind(ish) doesn't open it's eyes much (it can...just normally closed), stumbles around...
  4. S

    incubated eggs, different start days

    This is a link to a google drive file with a video of this chick... trying to figure out if I should cull it to keep it from suffering(?)... starving or being picked apart by other chicks... it seems blind(ish) doesn't open it's eyes much (it can...just normally closed), stumbles around...
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    incubated eggs, different start days

    So... last night, on what would be day 24 going into 25...we had one hatch. It's not right...doesn't keep it's eyes open, stumbles around, keeps it's head held way up high when it's standing... I don't think it's going to make it but we're trying. One more seems to have pipped the size of a...
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    incubated eggs, different start days

    Hi, Looking for some experienced thoughts/knowledge.... We've hatched 3 or 4 sets of our own eggs (not-shipped) before, and generally hatch about 70% (or close to). We run the incubator at 50-60 with egg turner on until lockdown, then run 60-65%. This is the first time we added eggs on the...
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    How To Catch The Egg Eater(s)

    This sounds genius... I'm going to try it. We are losing half our eggs from our 23 hens right now, if this works it will be awesome.
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    Weird Hen Murder

    bummer... that's the part I was wondering about, if a BoP would pick the head and neck like that. It was weird how the whole head was bare of skin. It seems really weird that a hawk would work that far on the ground to get to the inside of the coop...but it's entirely possible that it sat in a...
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    Weird Hen Murder

    Update on this... I'm now thinking it was NOT the other chickens that pecked her to death upon re-entry into the coop. I went down to check on them, and none are in the coop. They're all perched up in various places around the yard, generally in hidden areas. I think they witnessed the murder...
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    Weird Hen Murder

    Unfortunately, free ranging is a must for us. It's healthier for the chickens, they make healthier better eggs, and they lead happier lives. They just have a higher murder rate. When they don't get murdered, they have the happiest chicken lives in the world. Honestly, if we could get rid of...
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    Weird Hen Murder

    It would reeeeeally surprise me if a hawk or owl would get into the coop. Not saying it wouldn't be possible, but they'd have to walk a significant distance like a chicken to do it. There's no flying in. I've always heard of hawks and owls killing from above with a fast smash on chickens...
  12. S

    Weird Hen Murder

    We have a walk in chx coop with auto door that leads into netted run. We generally leave the netted run open (through a door under the coop) so they can wake up and free range. Our chx are totally free ranging, and we lose chickens now and then. More to our own dog than anything (he'll be...
  13. S

    This is why you should have a covered run

    I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this.... but I'd put money on it that the chicken was killed by something else and the hawk went in scavenging. Hawks don't kill too many adult happens, but it's infrequent. Also, hawks don't walk up to chickens and peck...
  14. S

    when to prepare for breeding?

    Next questions on this.... So I'm guestimating then that my birds are about 4 months old or a little over right now. 1. When would they start breeding/egg laying? 2. Assuming I'm not lucky enough for my 6 birds to be 3m & 3f, if I have more fem than male, will the uncoupled females still lay...
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    when to prepare for breeding?

    Sorry for the slow response to this... i haven't been on in a while. Thank you very much, that was very helpful.
  16. S

    I need multi-subject advice...

    Two subjects... probably more... 1. I built this coop (see pics). All floors are wire, nothing hard with the intent of not catching poop. I wish I would have made it bigger to have more places to put perches. I also only have one small entry into the side of the box, plus the hinged roof...
  17. S

    when to prepare for breeding?

    I'm new to pigeons... About a month or so ago I got 6 pigeons (regular pigeons, nothing fancy). I don't know how old they were when I got them, just that they were young and the person selling them said they had just gotten to the age she let's them go (to buyers). Not sure if that makes them...
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    Ventilation for coops

    I would have disagreed with not shutting windows in the winter a few years ago....and still struggle with thinking that a little extra warmth isn't nice for the birds... but in the big picture if your birds are healthy and you don't have a rooster ripping all the feathers off your hens backs...
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    quick HELP please

    I also just saw you're from southern OH.... I live North of Pgh now, but am originally from Portsmouth and Athens (albany actually). My family is still in that area. The coop they're in now is tight... I'm sure of that. I just didn't close the door in time. My wife went down an hour or so...
  20. S

    quick HELP please

    Hey Eggcessive... you gave me a good idea for both my chicken run and my flight pen. When we don't let them out to free range, we have a fully enclosed run that is about 40' x 10'....but occasionally something will chew through the netting and get in. I lost 80 quail to a one night massacre...
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