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  1. kira782

    Fuster Cluck 1

    I told my hubby, Mike, I wanted chickens. He said "no &%$@#! way". So the next day I tried again, adding that I only wanted 4 (the max amount our zoning allows) and he would be able to build me a coop. While he still wasn't crazy about the idea he was excited to have a building project so 4...
  2. kira782

    Fuster Cluck

    I told my hubby, Mike, I wanted chickens. He said "no &%$@#! way". So the next day I tried again, adding that I only wanted 4 (the max amount our zoning allows) and he would be able to build me a coop. While he still wasn't crazy about the idea he was excited to have a building project so 4...
  3. kira782

    Yes, another sand question. Sand gurus, please see picture!

    We've had mason sand on the floor of the run for about a week now and they don't seem to care one way or another but I love it! Its so easy to clean, keeps the smell down and looks great!
  4. kira782

    Interior Coop Pics

    We still have some finishing touches to do but this is currently of our interior!
  5. kira782

    BYC Personal Pages Upgrade

    I was so proud of our coop having a link in the design section (I know, not a huge feat) and then I accidentally deleted our blog, oops. Can someone please put it back for me, my hubby didn't even get a chance to see it there! So sorry to be a pain...
  6. kira782

    Nipple waterer users!

    My waterer is attached to the outside of the hardwire cloth and then feeds through a hole cut through the wire which is why I'm hoping to do it just once more. I guess my safest bet is to wait until they're full grown. Thanks all!
  7. kira782

    Nipple waterer users!

    My chickens are only 8 weeks old and have a PVC nipple waterer in their run. We just added sand to the run floor and now the waterer is too low to the ground for them to use. I would like to raise it up to the hight they will need when they are full grown, I figure they can just use their chick...
  8. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    If anyone is interested in the 3-D to scale drawing that Mike made on Google SketchUp, let us know, he can send it to you!
  9. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    We have sand! I may have gone over board and ordered WAY too much, 2 tons when probably 1 ton would have done the trick, oops. Aw well, live and learn. We went with concrete sand. I was hoping to find what I keep seeing referred on here to as river sand but the 2 sand and gravel places I went to...
  10. kira782

    Yes, another sand question. Sand gurus, please see picture!

    Quote: I can't quite figure out what river sand is. No where around here has "river sand" or calls it that and I keep seeing it mentioned but I'm unsure as to how big the particles actually are . Does anyone know id river sand goes by a different name? ADDED: Just saw your pic Daze, thanks!
  11. kira782

    Finally our Coop is Finished

    Are you kidding me?! This might just be the cutest coop I have ever seen! So Jealous!!!!
  12. kira782

    Yes, another sand question. Sand gurus, please see picture!

    Sand is stressing me out! I just went to the local sand & gravel place and most of the sand seemed too fine to me. All I can picture is sand being tracked in the house and I think thats why Im leaning towards this kind (squeegee rock) but I'm worried it will be too big to be clean easily. Thoughts?
  13. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    Quote: He printed images and traced them on the plywood, then cut them out with a jig saw. It turned out so great!
  14. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    Thanks all for the nice words! Mike made this awesome panel the other night! Is there anything the man can't do!? I'm off today to go look at sand and hopefully it will be in this weekend! A view from the back.
  15. kira782

    How to make a sliding pop chicken door and tips for roost?

    Here is a pic of our sliding door and an explanation of how we did it which hopefully makes sense! ---> If you look through the whole post there is a pic that shows some of our pulleys. It was really easy to do, buy them, hang...
  16. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    GoodLuckCharlie! : Okay, I just have to say, you only 'pecked' at your hubbie for "1"!!! day and got an okay AND coop like that! YOU are GOOD! lol And, hopefully I quoted the correct picture you took, but, is that a wall that lifts like a garage door? Cause, that would be sooo cool! And...
  17. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    Quote: The door isn't open all the way in that pic but when it is the opening is 13"x 14" or something around that. Plenty of room to for everyone to come pouring out first thing in the morning!
  18. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    Quote: I'll sure try! Around the sides and bottom of the door opening we nailed a 1"x.25" shim and then on top of that we added a trim piece and overlapped on the inner edges a little bit forming a channel for the door to move up and down through. We then put a couple of pulleys through out...
  19. kira782

    Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

    UPDATE 8/18! I've been meaning to get on here and update our progress but life's been busy! We're 99% done with the coop and the girls have been moved in for several weeks now. I finished hanging all the hardware cloth which I can easily say is one of my least favorite things in the world to do...
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