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  1. citychickenfarm

    will roundworms be expelled in feces when given waxine17?

    Thank you. When I follow up with the other wormer does it mean I have to wait another 14 days to eat the eggs?
  2. citychickenfarm

    will roundworms be expelled in feces when given waxine17?

    will roundworms be expelled in feces when given waxine17? I gave it to my chickens last night and finished up this am. When I inspected the feces this am I did see what appeared to be roundworms in the feces. My second question revolves around when the eggs are ok for human consumption? I have...
  3. citychickenfarm

    my rooster is mating with my shoe...and not in a cute way

    Quote: That was seriously funny. Wonder if it would work. Could you take a video of it as well please? Lol.
  4. citychickenfarm

    Please help!!!!!!!

    Not sure if you have tired this but I did read on a site that if you call a vet to see what they can do, they will flat out say no, but if you take the bird in and tell them you are not leaving until its seen they have a hard time turning you away. Especially when they see an animal hurt and...
  5. citychickenfarm

    Urgent Help Required!!!

    Is your chick eating? Drinking? Was their anything close to the chick it could eat that was hazardous?
  6. citychickenfarm

    Sick and sleepy buff Orpington chick!

    Quote: I agree with ladyride. I got some chicks and the second day I noticed a little one having some issues. She was falling asleep all the time and I named her p.o. for Push Over because all the others were walking on her and pushing her around. I knew nothing about chickens but my mothers...
  7. citychickenfarm

    Egg Bound or Constipated? Need Advice, Opinions Please

    It sounds like she is egg bound. I had a hen become egg bound when we got her and after soaking her bottom to clean her I ended up getting an egg that had the consistency of a hard boiled egg. Mine did pass the whole egg though. I'm not sure if yours did. I'm fairly new to this so don't take my...
  8. citychickenfarm

    how much do you charge for your eggs?

    I have become very curious about this topic. I have 6 chickens and only 4 who are producing edible eggs. We are getting more than enough for the family and I have several people to whom I have started a client base with. Out here in ct people are charging anywhere from $2-6 for a dozen eggs. Our...
  9. citychickenfarm

    diarrhea in 8 yr old hen

    We got a second egg from her the other day. It was in egg shape only it had the consistency of jelly. I ground up some food, oyster shell, egg shells and water then fed it to her. Yesterday she did not lay (it seems like every other day for her) and cross your fingers she will have a normal one...
  10. citychickenfarm

    diarrhea in 8 yr old hen

    Still treating for mites to be on the safe side but yesterday miss rose left me a very nasty surprise on the ground in the pen. It resembled a hard boiled egg with no shell. I did dissect it to see since this is the first time ive seen one like it. But I'm pretty sure it was in her for a long...
  11. citychickenfarm

    help in identfying her

    See those were the two I was going with. I'll have to look up more on the wynadottes. Thanks so much. I just realized there was a thread for this question. Sorry.
  12. citychickenfarm

    Moving laying hens to new area - Do they stop laying for months?

    Wow! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has laying issues. We got 6 chickens from a neighbor and out of the 6 we have only 4 who are laying. Their production never ceased. Now mind you they are all 8 years old and we get 2-4 eggs a day. The two who are not laying are RIRs. I'm hoping they give me...
  13. citychickenfarm

    help in identfying her

    I need help to identify this 8 yr old laying hen. She is all white with what I think is a rose comb. She lays large light brown eggs.
  14. citychickenfarm

    diarrhea in 8 yr old hen

    They are finally bathing in the dust but you better believe we will be repeating the process again in a week. I used a whole can and still have another can. Thanks for the support.
  15. citychickenfarm

    diarrhea in 8 yr old hen

    Ok after a good cleaning she looks much better. I have also added powder for the mites and today I don't see any. She this am to ensure we have killed them all. I added the mite powder to their bathing spot but so far they haven't gone in it. We had a week of solid rain so it...
  16. citychickenfarm

    diarrhea in 8 yr old hen

    We are thinking its mites. Swollen vent and when I cleaned her I saw tiny bugs.
  17. citychickenfarm

    diarrhea in 8 yr old hen

    Thank you to everyone who's helped with my post. I did just check her stool this am and as far as I can see there isn't any worms but that does not mean that its not an internal parasite. Her stools are also not very watery and seem to be pretty firm. She came to us with the dirty rump and I...
  18. citychickenfarm

    Dying chicken

    When she was with the other chickens did she prefer to be alone? Are her feathers all ruffled?
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