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  1. featherfarm

    Kick Start to Laying - Hog Feed

    Thank you so much, you all are so helpful. I've got the girls on layer feed now along with oyster shells ad lib. The 3 little RIR's are laying. It's the 5 BO pullets that I expected to lay by now. They are 7-8 months old now and the rooster seems to think they are mature enough. My husband...
  2. featherfarm

    Kick Start to Laying - Hog Feed

    I was recently complaining about my nonlaying birds and someone told me to feed them hog feed. They used to have 300 birds and said it worked for them. . Obviously that wouldn't be a good idea long term because of the nutritional differences. Have any of you heard of kick starting laying...
  3. featherfarm

    I'm in need of pictures of your hens and coops!

    Buff Orpingtons are cold/heat tolerant and lay well.
  4. featherfarm

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2/10 but it's better than 0 which is what we've been getting for a couple months now. We've nicknamed them the useless mother cluckers.
  5. featherfarm

    Hello From Warrenton, MO

    I love having so much information at my fingertips! I have a Buff Orpington rooster (Frenchy), 5 Buff pullets who really should be laying by now and 2 Americaunas who seem to have stopped laying. Thank you all for the information and shared experiences!
  6. featherfarm


    Welcome! I am new too and learning how things work. What a wealth of information!
  7. featherfarm

    What time do your roosters crow?

    Frenchie crows when I open the chicken house around 7:00 am CST and in answer to neighboring roosters. He also crows when we walk by his coop or when he wants treats. And the Frenchie alarm goes off when danger is near. He actually chased a deer down the drive a couple weeks ago. The...
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