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  1. Hanh3197

    These 2 are CONFUSING ME!!!!! Girls or Boys??

    Thanks for the help! 2 out of 4 Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas are girls yaaayyyyy!!!!
  2. Hanh3197

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Blue Wheaten Pullet? or Roo? The brown around it's neck is darkening sooo.....
  3. Hanh3197

    These 2 are CONFUSING ME!!!!! Girls or Boys??

    Oh no it has 3 toes in front and all chickens have that extra one in the back It hatched out of a blue egg And Thanks so much I LOVE all of my fuzzy butts!
  4. Hanh3197

    These 2 are CONFUSING ME!!!!! Girls or Boys??

    I think this little sweetheart is a mille fleur d'uccle boy? from the look of it's tail but at 7ish weeks old there isn't much of a comb.... ? This one is a blue wheaten ameraucana and I THINK it might be a boy too because the light brown around the neck is getting darker but it's tail...
  5. Hanh3197

    Can anyone weigh in on breed and genders - please?

    I agree.... but doesn't the last one look like it has greenish legs???
  6. Hanh3197

    what breed is he and what is his color called

    He probably is a Serama This breed comes in sooooo many colors, they don't even breed true to color!
  7. Hanh3197

    Agnes II

    Easter Egger
  8. Hanh3197

    Mille Fleur D'uccles, Seramas, Blue Wheaten Ameracaunas

    Hi I have all of these breeds plus Coronation Sussex chicks and wanted to know if anyone has pictures of theirs at a few weeks old /less than 2 months????? PULLETS AND COCKERELS PLEASE!!!! Thanks soooo much!
  9. Hanh3197

    SUPER sharp nails and beaks!?

    OUCH!! I was hand feeding some of my chicks today and it hurt because their beaks are really sharp One hopped on my arm and his nails were scratching me everywhere, and now I have little marks all over my arm... So I wanted to know if I should put like a big rock/brick in their brooder so they...
  10. Hanh3197

    A few pictures of our Silkies.

    OMG SO CUTE!!!!
  11. Hanh3197

    UPDATE: Are we still hes and shes or what?! with pics

    The cutie on your lap looks like a girl to me! The bantam is a Boy.... really red comb and long tail feathers
  12. Hanh3197

    **Cockerels????? (pics)**

    Looks like it
  13. Hanh3197

    Life Span Of A Chicken????

    How long do they live? Does it depend on the breed also?
  14. Hanh3197

    Chick NAMES?????

    I GOT IT! Last night i was thinking and it hit me Buff Orpington chick: HONEY Blue Wheaten Ameraucana: LUNA Coronation Sussex: COROLINE California Gray: STELLA French Black Copper Marans: ELOISE And I think my Seramas and Mille Fleurs are all ROOSTERS
  15. Hanh3197

    Chick NAMES?????

    I bet Especially when you have food!
  16. Hanh3197

    Chick NAMES?????

    It is sooo hard to pick a name.... I'm in Oakland
  17. Hanh3197

    Chick NAMES?????

    What did you name your chicks? I can't make up my mind!
  18. Hanh3197

    NEW CHICKS! Kinda...

    I got new chicks! Again! Well first i got 3 d'uccles and 2 seramas.... now 3 CORONATION SUSSEX! and 4 BLUE WHEATEN AMERAUCANAS!!!!!!! The coronations and ameracaunas are 1 week old and the seramas and d'uccles are a month now.
  19. Hanh3197

    Chick Pooping Technique???

    Glad to know mine aren't the only ones
  20. Hanh3197

    Chick Pooping Technique???

    Ummm I don't know if anyone else's chicks do this ...... but mine do this weird thing right before they poop. They pull their wings back and above their head, stretch out their neck, and make a BIG POOP That's how I know they're about to poop on me How about your chicks?
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