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  1. dreamcr

    HEEEELLLPPPP!!!! Pleaseeeee!!!

    I recently experienced something similar with one of my hens, she started limping, and the following day she wouldn't put any weight on one leg the next day. I started her on Duramycin, and Immuno Boost and within a couple of days she was walking fine. I would isolate her and make the...
  2. dreamcr

    My dad thinks it's a brain tumor...

    If you haven't got the stomach to lance it, go to the feed store and get some Duramycin powdered antibiotic and add it to her drinking water. If the feed store carries Immuno Boost get some of that too, and mix it with the Duramycin water. Put the chicken in a small enclosure, the antibiotic...
  3. dreamcr

    Limping hen

    I have a 18 week old Black Giant pullet, that I noticed limping yesterday, and this morning she will not put any weight on it at all. I've also noticed that she has watery poo, and is off of her feed (she will eat meal worms). I examined her and does not appear to be injured however, her...
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