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  1. revolutionarygardens

    21 Week Old Americana--Roo??

    Thanks everyone! I thought he was a rooster, but I wanted expert confirmation. I really appreciate how much I learn from all of you on this forum. Thanks again!
  2. revolutionarygardens

    21 Week Old Americana--Roo??

    Thank you Featherz! I've never had a rooster before. I guess my adventures in the world of chickens just got a little more interesting....
  3. revolutionarygardens

    21 Week Old Americana--Roo??

    Hello All, I just bought five Americana pullets....or so I thought. This one looks like it may be a roo to me, but I am pretty inexperienced and have never had Americanas before. I'm hoping some of you wiser and more experienced folks can help me out! Many Thanks!!
  4. Mister Lady 2?

    Mister Lady 2?

  5. Default


  6. revolutionarygardens

    For all you butt fans....fluffy butts that is....

    23 Pages of Fluffy Butts?! This makes me so happy! I guess I'm not the only one who thinks that chicken butts are seriously cute!
  7. revolutionarygardens

    Persistant Hawk

    Thanks wisher!
  8. revolutionarygardens

    Persistant Hawk

    Wisher--the pen is roughly 45 x 50 feet. We would need to put some kind of supports within the pen to get it completely covered with the netting. But the more I think about it, the more I think this is the way to go...Thanks for the advice!
  9. revolutionarygardens

    Persistant Hawk

    This is something I've been thinking about too since a hawk got one of my ladies two days ago. When they were younger, they free ranged--which was a wonderful arrangement for them, but a bad arrangement for my flower beds. Finally, we decided to build them a pen. Because they had been used to...
  10. revolutionarygardens

    Hawk Killed One and Wants the Rest

    I like hawks too. In fact, I love hawks. I'm an avid birder, and in another situation, I would have been enjoying getting such a close look at a hawk! I don't bear it any malice, I know it is just following its instincts....I just have to figure out a way to protect my little ladies. I...
  11. revolutionarygardens

    Hawk Killed One and Wants the Rest

    Hennypen--Oh no--two! Is the hawk still hanging around?
  12. revolutionarygardens

    Hawk Killed One and Wants the Rest

    Flowerchicks-sorry about your baby too! I'm thinking that I need to get a tough guy to play bodyguard for our ladies....We've never had a rooster. Do you know what the dynamics are like when you introduce one into a flock?
  13. revolutionarygardens

    Hawk Killed One and Wants the Rest

    Thanks everyone for your kind words. We do have tons of blue jays and crows at our place. In fact, the crows were mobbing the hawk all morning. They were certainly trying to chase it away, and it is gone for right now. Too late for Slow Poke though...
  14. revolutionarygardens

    Hawk Killed One and Wants the Rest

    Yes, I've been thinking that the drought is probably making all of the wild animals more desperate. Where I'm at in Northeast Texas, we finally got some rain this past month. We are still way behind, but we have some green grass now, something we sure didn't have this summer!
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