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  1. Aussie Bill

    The Trap Nesting Thread

    I find this very interesting ... but it doesn't solve my problem which is having a hen who wants to roost in the nesting box and none of the three ladies doing their duty, that is laying enough eggs to earn their keep. I went so far as to hang recipes for BBQ chicken, roast chicken and chicken...
  2. Aussie Bill

    nesting Boxes

    Hi you-all ... When I was a kid, lo, those many years ago ... I lived on a farm. Dad used horses instead of a tractor and I can recall running down to ride one of the horses back to the barn in the evening ... I was a real young 'un. We moved into town when I turned six so I could go to school...
  3. Aussie Bill

    We raise chickens in Australia, ya know .......

    Yeah, we raise chickens down here in the Land DownUnder. But Aussies don't call mature chickens chickens ... they are chooks. I don't know why but then there are a lot of things about the true blue Australian I don't know. I was raised on a farm in Oregon's Rogue Valley and relocated to...
  4. Aussie Bill

    how to get grass to grow in the run?

    Chickens like grass ... and because of this fact I am now raising chickens. Didn't mean to get started but ... I moved into this rural property, enjoying the quiet, room to roam and the sound of a rooster crowing off there somewhere. Roosters aren't legal in the city but out here they are a...
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