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  1. fluffandpuffchicks

    chicken toys ??

    i bought papaya covered in mango flavored yogurt. my girls luv it (except for the EEs-they dont eat anything but feed-they dislike adventures lol) I buy them parakeet/parrot and birds of tht nature toys. they dont seem interesting in bells, havent tried a big mirror but they LOVE drinking out...
  2. fluffandpuffchicks

    Introducing new hens to flock?

    Quote: I'm going to have to try your method. I've tried letting my existing flock get setted in for the night and then bringing in new members and it didn't work so well. Everything seemed peaceful at night but then the next morning when I got up early to let them out it was pandemonium...
  3. fluffandpuffchicks

    chicken attacked by dog suggestions please

    I was tagging my RIRs leg and clipping her wings and my terriers ran outside and she was bitten but didn't bleed. Shes all good now:) hurray for you chickens and their recovery
  4. fluffandpuffchicks

    Murry McMurry Hatchery?

    Quote: thats odd... Most of their breeds you can order 1-100 last time I checked. I have seen some where the minimum is 25! I personally live in a little town, big house small yard, close to my neighbors (like heyy I can watch the neighbors watch their TV close! Not that I do that... ) so I...
  5. fluffandpuffchicks

    Who Has ordered from McMurray Hatchery

    I got 3 Rhode Island Reds and 3 White Leghorns. 2 of the leghorns passed.... rookie mistakes though. Love the surviving chickens!
  6. fluffandpuffchicks

    white leghorn???

    my white leghorn has red earlobes... sounds like mine
  7. fluffandpuffchicks

    My Pet Chicken hatchery is the BEST!!!

    I lik murray mcmurray. gives the rite kind of chicken rite gender and dont kill roos
  8. fluffandpuffchicks

    New member from Victoria, Australia

    welcome to BYC!! I just signed up about a week ago and LOVE IT! Its soooo helpful, and addicting!! Its had its fair share of laughs
  9. fluffandpuffchicks

    Murry McMurry Hatchery?

    Quote: Im very happy about my RIR and surviving Leghorn. They are so friendly! If you have a pic of your exoctic chick maybe someone/I will be able to help! I have never gotten a mystery chick though. I have strict rules of hens only until I get my own house and big yard I will certainly do...
  10. fluffandpuffchicks

    can anyone recommend a good rare breed hatchery?

    Quote: Yea the last time I checked I though McMurray was pretty good. They have a good selection and ship their chickens in good health. I like McMurray the most.
  11. fluffandpuffchicks

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    fluffandpuffchicks Lancaster county
  12. fluffandpuffchicks

    laying egg on floor

    Quote: try golfballs or wooden eggs in the nesting boxes. My leghorn figured it out herself and she was the first to lay an egg so then the RIRs saw and laid eggs in there. Good luck have fun with your chickens!
  13. fluffandpuffchicks

    Any white leghorns owners??? (egg pic added)

    i have a white leghorn who has a HUGE comb like yours. It can't stay up straight! Shes sooo loveable. I love my leghorn. Is yours friendly? just a random question. She looks healthly and alert im still ROFL at the pics of her green "ears"
  14. fluffandpuffchicks

    Go ahead, call me easily grossed out!

    haha I open my egg hatch and saw a RIR sitting on a Leghorn egg and my Leghorn on a RIR egg-and they were in the same box! LOL my chickens are odd when i went to get the eggs the RIR pecked me she was like go away
  15. fluffandpuffchicks

    Show some pictures of your Araucanas, Ameraucanas or EEs!!!

    This is Chul and Hermione and them together These are the EEs that were sold to me as Ameraucanas
  16. fluffandpuffchicks

    Show some pictures of your Araucanas, Ameraucanas or EEs!!!

    Quote: Stoltzfus gave me EEs under the name Ameraucanas also but I agree they are great!
  17. fluffandpuffchicks

    Baby Didnt Mak It!

    pets- your best friend in the whole world and yet most only live a couple years. I just had a horse pass away cause of a broken heart we had to put down his pasture mate, his best friend. I went into his field to check on him, he wasnt eating and he had a lump on his side and was kicking his...
  18. fluffandpuffchicks

    Murry McMurry Hatchery?

    Quote: thats odd... Most of their breeds you can order 1-100 last time I checked. I have seen some where the minimum is 25! I personally live in a little town, big house small yard, close to my neighbors (like heyy I can watch the neighbors watch their TV close! Not that I do that... ) so I...
  19. fluffandpuffchicks

    I hate this time of night.

    Quote: yeah it is 12:45 am here. lol the duckies only cost me $12 and the 4 dozen that I am doing I am doing on shares...the pheasant eggs I spent $20 on from a fellow BYC member (first time with shipped eggs so I hope all will be fine. I seriously need to go to sleep. get some silkies- they...
  20. fluffandpuffchicks

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    love my RIR hens! here they are eating cherrios!
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