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  1. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    So about a week after clearing the last of the plug from the foot, she looks so much better! The foot is healing up nicely. She still has a healthy scab there and I'm continuing to bandage just to keep it clean and protected as it heals, but I hope by the end of the week I may be able to stop...
  2. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Things have been going really well, but unfortunately we had a bit of a setback yesterday. I'd moved to every-other-day bandage changes, and both of her feet seemed to be healing well. All of the abrasions on her leg and between her toes were completely healed, all scabs had come off and there...
  3. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Foot with nice scab tonight
  4. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    My patient is back out on the roost with the flock tonight! It's the first night in at least two weeks she's been with them overnight-maybe more, I've kind of lost count at this point! She's been with them during the daytime all week, but I've been cleaning her feet and putting her back in the...
  5. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Thanks @enola ! We still have some healing to do, but I think things are going in the right direction.
  6. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Things have been going pretty well! I found a picture I took ~3 weeks ago, the day I took her to the vet: Same foot, here's a picture from last night. As you can see to the left of the picture, the nasty blister between her toes is gone. I'm not sure if it was a blister from bandages...
  7. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Yep, she's getting Probios with her morning scrambled egg. Spoiled girl.
  8. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    She seems quite a lot perkier today. I think she had something intenstinally bothering her there for a day, but still not really sure what. I have a bowl of grit in the crate with her, but I think that may be partially it. And, she seemed to avoid her pellets on a day I didn't feed her scrambled...
  9. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Hey everyone, we have a new and somewhat worrying development today. She is acting really odd. She doesn't want to stand up- She CAN stand up, but quickly lays down. Even her favorite treats don't seem to be a big enough draw to move. This is the first day that not much has interested her food...
  10. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    I talked to the vet this morning. Our plan is that I will continue on as I've been doing through tomorrow, when the antibiotic runs out. We'll have her go over the weekend without the antibiotic and just cleanings/bandage changes. If there is no marked clearing of the pus by Monday morning, I'll...
  11. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    I never really knew what people meant when they described "cottage cheesy pus" until working on this foot. Definitely the thick, clotted looking kind at this point (aside from the one day of liquid pus shooting everywhere!). Thanks for all your advice- I'll definitely be back to update on...
  12. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Thanks for the advice! I will put in a call to the vet today or tomorrow and see what he thinks about where to go from here. Quick confirmation though- people generally agree that the pus needs to be taken out, right? It's not just going to clear out itself.
  13. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    Thanks @microchick . The vet did mention the possibility of doing a culture to better target the antibiotic, but he quickly said "but that's pretty expensive." I think he felt bad about what he was charging me to look at a chicken, and suggested a couple of things (another one was a prescription...
  14. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    @lewlew , thanks for weighing in. I know a lot of people who use ichthammol on horses with stubborn foot abcesses, but I'm not sure about using it on a wound that's already open. That's what's frustrating about this open wound on my chicken's foot, I'm keeping it open, but still seeing white...
  15. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    And just read somewhere that epsom salts and Baytril don't go together. This was on a forum, I wonder if anyone can confirm that or point to any research? I'd really kick myself if I realized I'd been negating the Baytril doing any good- she is NOT happy about taking it!!
  16. deacons

    Bumblefoot hole can't clear pus

    I have a 2.5 year old Golden Laced Wyandotte who has a stubborn bumblefoot issue going on. I've successfully dealt with bumblefoot before, but all the things I thought I knew how to do aren't working. We're about 2-weeks in, here's what I've tried so far: 1. Soaked in epsom salts, removed black...
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