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  1. Michael OShay

    Roo or a hen?

    You're welcome.
  2. Michael OShay

    Roo or a hen?

    X2 on donrae's post.
  3. Michael OShay

    Roo or a hen?

    X2 on enola; and the male chicks will be black with a white spot on top of the head while the tops of the female chicks' heads will be black without the white spot.
  4. Michael OShay

    Roo or a hen?

    X2 on enola. Any solid colored rooster bred to a barred hen will produce Black Sex Links. They will likely be even better brown egg layers than your Barred Rock hens. It's one of the interesting quirks of hybridization. :o)
  5. Michael OShay

    Roo or a hen?

    Agreed; the top one in the pic with the large comb and wattles is a cockerel. :o(
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