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  1. papacoffee

    Roo or a hen?

    Thanks for the info again. I like that they will lay good.
  2. papacoffee

    Roo or a hen?

    That's good news!! I have. RIR rooster and hens and I have 6 buff orpington hens I'm going to put with him. What will that produce? I'm new at this.
  3. papacoffee

    Roo or a hen?

    Will they eggs the same as the barred rocks? Thanks for the info.
  4. papacoffee

    Roo or a hen?

    I have another question. If I use my black australorp rooster with my Barred rocks, what will I get?
  5. papacoffee

    Roo or a hen?

    I bought 6 black australorps from rual king they was suppose to be pullets. This is them at 8 weeks. I think I have a roo.[/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
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