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  1. maizy'smom

    And then there was one.....

    All good things to consider.....a lot depends, too, on how quickly we can construct the proposed "batting cage" structure. I think adding anybody new and keeping them cooped up would be asking for a different kind of problem. Argh! Decisions! mm
  2. maizy'smom

    And then there was one.....

    All of my girls were "born" in May, 2011, so Agnes is about four and a half. We do have the three new chicks on order for this coming May, and our coop is really built for about four standard sized hens. I'm torn at the moment between the ultimate capacity of the coop, and Agnes being an only...
  3. maizy'smom

    And then there was one.....

    That's it exactly. Agnes is very social...of my original five girls, she has always been the most engaging. Not cuddly so much as demanding. She has always been the spokes-person for the group, the social director, the bossy one. We've been thinking of getting her a mirror, like a parakeet...and...
  4. maizy'smom

    And then there was one.....

    Yesterday, the hawk that killed my BLRW on Dec. 5th returned...and killed my BO. Which means my JG, Agnes, is now an only child. My question to you folks today is two-fold: First: Has anyone had any success with a deer-type mesh, batting cage kind of enclosure? If so, how hefty a mesh is...
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