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  1. G

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    Newbie here as well We have layers and meat birds all 7 weeks old Grit, great thread here on grit. After reading yes grit needed helps develop gizzard real important We were feeding all birds cooked corn on cob at 4/5 weeks man they loved it. Then some greens. But in both cases just as treats...
  2. G

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    Hey newbie here as well we have 6 SAL and 26 rock Cornish. Had same thoughts as you on roosting but no worries they figure it out as they feel the time is right. My SAL are 7 weeks and they fly up to the roost which is two feet above. Our first roost was two inches high. Anyways enjoy and as my...
  3. G

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    Good day to all Not long ago couldn't imagine writing a post on a chicken raising website. Now it seems it's my go to site. Ha go figure hey Just got the 25 chicks 3 days ago. Too funny, we make a point of visiting the brood whenever we can which seems a lot : So my request for advice is as...
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