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  1. Moesmom12

    Hatch Day Is Upon Us!

    so one of my three eggs has fully hatched into a wet little chick!!. One has pipped and i can see its little beak. Should i take the one who has hatched out? Its chirping and snuggling up to the egg that has pipped. Its also knocking the egg around a bit. I dont want to taken it out to soon and...
  2. Moesmom12

    Hatch Day Is Upon Us!

    Plymouth Barred Rock . Thank you kindly! I am SOOO nervous and EXCITED.
  3. Moesmom12

    Hatch Day Is Upon Us!

    My PBR eggs are set to hatch this coming saturday 5/14. This is the very time I have incubated and hatched out eggs! so EXCITING! but nerve wracking!!! Any advice for a newbie would be great! As of now my humidity is around 65%-70% on day 18. I locked down the bator today and yesterday when i...
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