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  1. mcmoody

    When is it safe to put chicks in with the hens

    Thanks guys! We're going to build an extension onto our roofed coop/run that has a closing hatch to allow us to separate babies or sick birds or broody hens and can otherwise be left open for even more space in the winter months when they get confined from the outdoor system. I feel much better...
  2. mcmoody

    When is it safe to put chicks in with the hens

    If I turn them loose in the coop for nights with the adults after a few days of them in their box in the coop... in the mornings, I assume I have a couple hours to go check on them and separate them again before the pecking order starts? And then..during the day I have an idea to separate them...
  3. mcmoody

    When is it safe to put chicks in with the hens

    Did your chicks have a safe place to squeeze into so the hens couldn't bother them? Would that help mitigate possible attacks? Did the kill happen all at once or over the four period a little at a time?
  4. mcmoody

    When is it safe to put chicks in with the hens

    I'm sure this question is asked a lot. But I'm fretting! I've got four 7-8 week old chicks that have outgrown their "brooding box" in the house. We've been using decent weather days to let them in a round pen in the yard. But it's cold and rainy still and them living in this little brooding...
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