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  1. DavidMed

    Hen dead after coop door left open overnight, but no signs of attack?

    I think I meant silver laced wyandottes.
  2. DavidMed

    Hen dead after coop door left open overnight, but no signs of attack?

    Hen to be buried today with full ceremony (for my two young boys benefit). Will not exhume! ;) On the plus side (I guess) this was my loudest and bossiest hen (and I was one hen over the legal limit!). But now I have two black laced wyandottes and only one buff cochin. My 7 year old is worried...
  3. DavidMed

    Hen dead after coop door left open overnight, but no signs of attack?

    I'm still not convinced something didn't get in there, but the lack of any signs of violence are very odd to me. I'm also certain a predator would have attacked them all as they would have all been close together in the coop and essentially trapped. I understand whatBantanFan4Life is saying...
  4. DavidMed

    Hen dead after coop door left open overnight, but no signs of attack?

    Feathers not mussed up in any way that looked unnatural or normal. No dried saliva etc. We have snakes in CA of course, but highly unlikely I have any coming into in my backyard. The attached run is fully enclosed, the other area just ads some space for them to roam but keeps them corralled. I...
  5. DavidMed

    Hen dead after coop door left open overnight, but no signs of attack?

    My backyard set up is a solid wood walled coop, raised off the ground, with a small door to an attached and fully enclosed run. The run has a door that leads to a fenced off area with an open top that I let the chickens use during the day. At night I close the run door but leave the coop door...
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