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  1. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    There is no ban on sales from hatcheries via places like Tractor Supply unless you want better than hatchery stock. My best friend lives in Kentucky so I'm usually up on what's going on there. You'd avoid any issues by buying that way. There is no ban on private sales, either, but going across...
  2. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Truer words were never spoken.
  3. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Whoa, 164! You're dedicated there, JR. Sounds like a terminal case of spring fever to me.
  4. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    I agree with you. They are pushing for control on a lot of stuff that is none of their stinking business.
  5. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Well, it says "requires" which is not optional. Now, they have no way to get the information out to everyone, apparently, but I've known about it for quite some time, though I found out about it accidentally. And how them knowing where your birds are is irrelevant to them reporting incidents of...
  6. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    It's true. And here is the proof. I didn't just make that up.
  7. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Folks can't stop living. They always should be cautious, no matter what is floating around, but we don't want heritage and rare breeds to just die off because the government only supports commercial industry and not the little guy. On a poultry swap Facebook page we are in to sell our hatching...
  8. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    If a chicken keeper is managing the flocks properly, nothing changes during an outbreak of whatever it is at the time. You just keep doing what you're doing, practicing biosecurity, etc. I take every single word from government sources with a grain of salt, though, and I do believe the agenda is...
  9. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Oh, sorry, I didn't understand what you meant. I agree, it's not breaking news or anything. Folks do tend to panic, don't they? The media is mostly to blame for that, with their sensational headlines, IMO. They can't just state facts, they have to make it seem like the end of the world.
  10. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    I don't understand what you mean. They have no idea how this flock contracted AI or they did not say in the article. An infected wild bird had to fly inside the building or some person had to walk it in on their shoes/clothing since those birds never touch ground outside. In any case, you notice...
  11. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Not at all. I am just more than a little suspicious of government programs that are for our "protection", so some probably think I'm paranoid. Well, it ain't paranoia if they're really out to get you! And I do believe many of these state vets are against backyard flocks altogether. I wish I...
  12. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    As in, they always have the vaccine for past years' flu? I never get flu vaccines. I never get the flu, or haven't since my kids were little (and my oldest will turn 40 in April). I can't remember the last time in my life when I had it, but it was a very loooong time ago. In fact, I refuse...
  13. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    If I recall, the beef industry was decimated in Great Britain when they pre-emptively slaughtered herds of cattle, millions of head of cattle, to supposedly prevent the spread of mad cow disease back in the mid-80's. It was a long, long time before it recovered and I don't know if it fully...
  14. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Yes, I know. It is supposedly mandatory in North Carolina to register your flock, which is why I don't knowingly sell to NC anymore, though I live right on the line. If it was the law here, I'd be an outlaw. I feel it is my right to choose what type of food to put in my mouth, including eggs. I...
  15. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    I can tell you one thing. If they eliminate backyard flocks, they will also kill off heritage and/or dual purpose breeds. Commercial flocks are full of production Leghorns and hybrid layers for the most part, plus the CornishX for meat, of course. Breeders and backyard flocks keep those old dual...
  16. speckledhen

    Avian Flu.

    Georgia just put a ban on all sales at flea markets, auctions, swaps, etc. because of the TN and AL outbreaks. Depending on who you talk to at the Ag Dept, they'll tell you it does not apply to individuals or it does apply, so conflicting information. Someone was told hatching eggs are in the...
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