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  1. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Did you isolate the new chicks for sometime? If so, how long and how?
  2. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    So it is not out of the realm of possibility to bring in unvaccinated chicks. I would love to learn more or understand more about "b" blood type in chickens. Is there a breed that tends to be more resistant in your experience?
  3. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Do you hatch your own chicks from your survivors or do you bring in new vaccinated babies? Closed flock? Thanks for the hugs. They are always appreciated!
  4. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. This is all helping me process and validate the sacrifice for the greater good of the flock.
  5. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    The vet recommended the same, submit both afflicted birds. Male=green poop. Female=classic Marek's signs and now green poop too. Poor babies. We let them both our back tonight for a roll in the dirt and to eat some grass for the last time. The male charged and was very aggressively...
  6. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    At this point we will be sacrificing one of the afflicted birds to perform a necropsy and histology studies to obtain confirmation. While this may seem callous but we are trying to determine if we should also necropsy the male, who seems to get around ok. See, we initially purchased a straight...
  7. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Thank you all for your knowledge and support. I don't know where to go from here... sigh. Just processing.
  8. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Oh and I meant to include--I am sorry you have been affected too and don't mean to be "excited" about your flock having Marek's. I simply appreciate knowing this does not have to be the end for our chicken rearing experience and that they can still have quality of life. Thank you again for your...
  9. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Barbara, Thank you sooo much for your response. It was truly uplifting. I am still very sad but was so happy to Read about your experience. I was going borderline crazy trying to figure out how to make this work. I will keep you all posted. At this point we may be sacrificing one bird to...
  10. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    My fear as well based on all you mentioned. I am hoping one of the individuals with confirmed Marek's can share their point of view on the videos too. Thank you all for your insight, concern, and support. I am pretty devastated and really unsure how to proceed. Especially with 24 seemingly...
  11. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    I suppose anything is possible but I have not observed the behavior in them. They have not reached sexual maturity or at least I have not observed a mounting behavior. Possibly a pecking order behavior? I am not sure.
  12. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Unfortunately the videos were taken of them walking on linoleum flooring but they are pretty representative of status. She has deteriorated. He seems to be improving in the walking but now has frequent liquidy poop (as of last night). Hers seems pretty "normal" so far.
  13. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Should the vet perform this or should I collect and send off?
  14. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    And the random death in what appeared to be a healthy bird just baffles me. This started after we moved them to a new area of the yard and had a couple of days of heavy rain. They basically act like they will melt in rain so they were all huddles up in the coops for a couple of days. Maybe they...
  15. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Thank you! The vet told me He thought he would Be ordering an antibiotic. It said the physical assessment Did not support the need for it. Of course he could Be wrong... he thought it was botulism or heavy metal ingestion. Sigh...
  16. C

    Possible Marek's, please help

    Thank you for your response. I read the other Marek's threads before posting. Yes, sorry for the error, the chickens were hatched in Marh of 2017. I have read that some agents can be used as viruscides against MD to minimize viral load/exposure on coops, runs, etc. I realize the land cannot be...
  17. C

    Possible Marek's, please help Hello all, I am new to BYC but have been reading the forum for months. My husband and I purchased 27 three day old buff orpingtons chicks from a quality breeder we found on the sustainable...
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