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  1. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I have keets! Locked down early, last night. This morning i had 7 out and one more had hatched by lunch time. I need to go check again now! Edited to add, we are up to 11!:wee :love :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy :ya
  2. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Sorry about your littles and the bad hatch!
  3. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Excitement, lockdown for guinea eggs tomorrow! But since i like to sleep in i decided to put eggs in cartons, take out turners and add water. When i picked up eggs i heard peeping! :wee :love
  4. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    So sorry, that's sad!
  5. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    My baby quail are getting big already!
  6. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    This is the brooder i made. The top is double hinged and folds over to make it secure. The box inside it to prevent my heat lamp from causing problems.
  7. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I hope you can get rid of that varmint!
  8. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Here are my quail, waiting for the brooder clean out...
  9. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    My cat managed to knock over the brooder and the waterer crushed and stunned one of the babies! It looked like roadkill but then revived some. Hoping it will survive.
  10. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    The bunnies i hatched are growing fast! 5 weeks old now!
  11. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Marie! How are you? Have you seen the quail i hatched? There are guineas in the bator now.
  12. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    No, i left the top of my incubator running while i cleaned the bottom. When i had cabinet bators they ran all year except when i was on vacation!
  13. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Good luck Penny! Hope you have a great hatch. My cat is making sure the brooder is warm enough.... Gosh its dark, i have lights on in here but you would never know it!
  14. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    My random post is that my biopsy is benign!:wee
  15. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I have no idea, i bought eggs and hatched them. They just hatched the 20th.
  16. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    One of my 20 quail chicks has bad feet. They were all balled up toes, but to make it worse seems like something wrong with ankles. I put tape shoes on but not too hopeful.
  17. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I love this story!
  18. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Yes, i quit marking fragile on egg boxes and got better results.
  19. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Yes, it was crazy in there! I was really happy i used a quail egg carton so the eggs didn't get kicked around.
  20. CapricornFarm

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    What is bad about that? I have a small metal bucket of guinea eggs waiting on the quail to finish hatching!
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