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  1. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Go for it! 3 days apart isn't bad. Often the slower eggies will catch up, and mom will sit a few days after the first peeper to hatch to give the rest time. I wouldn't put them together more than a few days apart though.
  2. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    1 Jubilee Orpington hatched safely! WOOT! Sadly, the other one didn't make it. The dead one pipped low but somehow only broke shell away and didn't penetrate the membrane? The poor thing drowned and it's my fault. I fell asleep and was not there to intervene. :he:barnie:hitThe surviving...
  3. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    2 pips! HOORAY!!! :jumpy:jumpy
  4. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    One of my Jubilee Orpington eggies just pipped and is peeping away in there! WOOT!!! :jumpy:yesss::love:woot:ya:celebrate:wee
  5. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Love and good hatching juju all around! :fl:pop Okay so, where do y'all post about hatches when there isn't a special Hatch-Along going on? Can we post in here if ours are still hatching this week?
  6. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    YAY!!! <3 I have 2 Jubilee Orpingtons in lockdown now; they're rollin' but that's it so far! Hatch date isn't until Fri technically. Sounds like @Farmer Connie has some on the way too! WOOT for our late chicks! :love
  7. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Total eggs set: 7 Total eggs hatched: 3 Breed: Coronation Sussex Other info: Eggs were shipped; all had saddled air cells; eggs were set horizontally for lockdown; all pipped appropriately & hatched on their own without incident. :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy :yesss::wee:love
  8. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    OMG I LOVE THIS!!!! :gig
  9. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    This is why people need to wait until the end of day 26! Please, please everyone spread this message...late chicks aren't impossible and I've seen too many sad stories of people pitching eggs before day 26 only to realize there was a live peeper in there.
  10. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    3rd chick is here! Hatched 6:30 PM, 4.1.18! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
  11. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    :jumpy:jumpySeond baby is here! :love:yesss:
  12. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Let them both go til day 26, sometimes they are delayed! Also I'd keep the one that didn't move for could just be tired. <3
  13. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Awww this baby wants to get to me and I can't open the 'bator yet, so sad. I am purring to them.
  14. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    1st baby is here!!! <3 Hatched 10:34 AM! :jumpySecond pip bigger! :yesss:
  15. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    3 PIPS! HOORAY! 12:26AM, 4.1.18!
  16. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    PIP PIP! HOORAY! 12:00AM, 4.1.18!
  17. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    1 PIP! HOORAY! 1:40 PM, 3.31.18!
  18. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Whoa. Sounds like a suspicious breeder IMHO. One batch is one thing, but two? In prime mating season? Anyway, I'm so sorry! Do you like English Jubilee Orps? I may have some extra soon! <3
  19. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    My eggies are rocking and shaking today too! Woot! :yesss:
  20. HenniesInMyHeart

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I PURR TO MINE TOO! <3 I looked up videos of mama hens purring to their peeping eggs and chicks, and mimic the sounds to encourage mine. Also I play the video for the eggs now that they're rocking! :love
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