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  1. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I got 12/14 blue Maran chicks. 2 are splash which is cool. Sadly I only got 11/54 sulmtaler chicks. I think that there is just something wrong with this rare breed. they never seem to get in position with their skinny eggs. If anyone has hatched these I can use help. Happy with my marans though.
  2. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Got 3 pips on some of my 16 Maran eggs this morning. Hatch is on.
  3. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    No pips or zips yet. I'm getting slightly worried. I have 72 eggs and none of them are doing much. I'll update this thread if something happens.
  4. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Mine is on lockdown. I'm just not totally sure when day 21 is if I started on a Friday at 5:00 pm.
  5. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I have a quick question. If I started my hatch on Friday the 8th at 5:00 pm, when does day 21 start exactly. I'm not totally sure when I should expect my chicks to start hatching. (they haven't yet)
  6. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I feel like my incubator may have been to cool. It is just hours from day 21 and I haven't had an external pip. Still hoping!
  7. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Just going into lockdown. Does anyone have a good idea of what humidity to run the incubator at? I never seem to get it right.
  8. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Good luck.
  9. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I'm going into lockdown tomorrow, got 72 viable eggs. Pictures will follow when they hatch.
  10. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Are those Bourbon Red Turkeys?
  11. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Didn't know that there was a hatch for Easter but I actually have eggs planned to hatch the day before. Had some bad luck last year but I'm hoping for better hatches this year. 86 Sulmtaler 16 Blue Maran
  12. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    Do you have the name of the thermometer that you use?
  13. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I have a quick question for ya'll. If anyone of you have a GQF sportsman, what is the temperature setting that you put it at. I have a model 1502 and I'm not sure if the thermometer is off or not. Also how much do you open your water tray up top and how many holes should I unplug. Thank you for...
  14. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I got my maran eggs off of eBay too. 50% of the eggs for me were fertile but only 50% of those eggs actually hatched. I am trying to build up that flock of birds
  15. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I'm going to have over 100 chicken eggs going in my incubator on Friday. 90 sulmtalers and 16 blue marans.
  16. MontainBourbons

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    I will have 60 or so sulmtaler chicken eggs and around 12 blue Maran eggs setting on Friday this week. Hoping for a good hatch.
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