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  1. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    Some of mine were darker or lighter as babies. The differences were even less noticable as adults. I think the darker ones ended up with slightly more defined markings.
  2. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    Her bill and feet should be all one color and all dark. Her coloring isn't correct on her plumage either. She is missing details and color on her torso and has too much on her head in comparison. Welsh girls should have a little color on their heads but the body should be darker. Not show...
  3. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    I vote for WH #3. 2 looks more glossy, but 3 has a length and fullness of body that I really like. I think his color and form a little more flashy and correct as well. He would be my choice if I were going for purebreds. 2 is a nice bird too. I just like 3 better. I agree with your...
  4. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    I don't know if they are the best of the best as I am not a qualified judge. I can't see everything from the pictures, but they are definitely purebreds of good quality. Both your drake and your hens look nice. Your hens are molting. They will look much better in a few weeks. I don't know...
  5. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    You are right to question. I agree with others. Probably mixed breed of some kind. Some of the coloring looks welshish, but the head markings aren't right even for young birds. Some of the less discerning hatcheries might sell some WH with eye stripes and orange legs/bills, aka also likely...
  6. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    I lived in a rural area once upon a time with all those critters. We had coyotes but they never came through the 6 foot tall chain link. Whether they could or not (I don't think they could) they never did. Foxes probably could have come in through the wide parts of the gate, but we never saw...
  7. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    My coop is made of recycled wood fencing and used 2x4s. It does the job.
  8. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    What kind of fencing do you have? Have all the birds gone missing at night? According to the book, the most likely predators would be a bob cat (or huge barn cat) or a fox. Both go by night and leave little or no trace because they usually take the prey with them. They usually take only one...
  9. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    I had a friend in high school who did it your way. She hatched a single egg using a dishtowel, a heat pad and a spray bottle. She didn't touch the egg very often because she was afraid it would accumulate the oils from her hands and they would block the pores. She turned it with a gloved hand...
  10. UtahWelshie

    Welsh Harlequin

    Calls are super annoying and who knows what colors you could get. What you want is a mini appleyard. Same coloration as the welsh harlequin in a diminutive size. And... not annoying. Look at Holderreads for good birds... GORGEOUS.
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