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  1. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    That makes my heart fill with butterflies. It is nice to know that there are places in the world; where people are not shunned by living on benefits. It is a shame here. I think it can give great joy; knowing it's not the whole world that thinks like that. It can often feel like the whole world...
  2. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    Awesome to hear! I'm glad. It is in a lot of places in the world hard to live off social securities; and mainly due to the stigma. As if not knowing if you can feed your children tonight isn't stressfull enough.. sigh. You often are not welcome anymore and seen as "less then". It is hard then...
  3. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    Perchie.girl wow. This gave me a tear. Probably because it is so reconizable; allthough we live on the other side of the world. I see me in you. Or vica versa. And I see what I am doing wrong; because you are doing it too. You have loads of bad luck happenping to you; keep activaley...
  4. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    I just.idk. It hurts me to see people like feeling the need to tell other people they are fine people and not addicted or do anything silly! That's a bit of the problem. People think too much it is your own fault if you are poor. How many times I had to tell people I'm not on drugs... and...
  5. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    That's quite interesting! I can't get help here because I'm not addicted enough... see; to get funding; you need to have cliënt that "hit" a certain base. Thén they get funding. If you are nót addicted or have a child; they don't get money to help you. And they are forced to not be able to help...
  6. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    Maybe. I'm not sure how different we are on socialist or capitalist. I think not much different. Christian good-wills can't do anything because they have to deal with capitalistic rules. There heart is in the good place and they want to; but they have to do a ton of paper-work for every homeless...
  7. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    To be fair; that is the attitude I talk about. It is probably not the same in all country's; but I just don't have that option. We are a "rich" country with the "best" social securities.. I don't have TV, I have free internet from the bakery underneath me, no car, buy no clothes, nothing...
  8. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    Wealth is not divided fair. I sometimes do not feel like we can do something about it? Where I live we have a political system that only looks out for the rich; might get some hate for it; but Trump is no different. He does not understand what the troubles are of many people; he only libes in...
  9. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    I just wanted to say; I had to eat from garbage-cans in a country that pretends it is the most richs and does everything for poor people; and I have several degrees.. It went bad when I got temporarily sick at 28; but I had studied last year, was not 29, did not have children; so no social...
  10. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    Those are so cool! :O
  11. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    Haha cool! You should probably for food make yet another fictious name though.. Mama Rose or something. Made bio, local, all american desert-style haha! I "hahaha'... but unfortunately it works :') What do you use to make your jewelry (that rose looks awesome by the way). I'm intrigued now...
  12. Loopeend

    Living off Social Security

    Whatever you make into a sausage, preserved goods, eggs, eggshells, etc. and have spare and sell; I would suggest you to think about investing in a good graphic designer for your own brand logo. Nothing is hip now as 'true' food. Local food made with love. Made by the small man. With an trusty...
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