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  1. Henriettamom919

    Blood under perches, what could it be?

    Let us know what, if anything you find today! (I'm hoping you find a fat lot of nothing other than your eggs!) :fl
  2. Henriettamom919

    Blood under perches, what could it be?

    I just reread and saw the detail about the nesting box. Yikes. Let's tag the experts; they may not be available until morning but they'll have better, experience based input! @ChickenCanoe @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @aart @DobieLover , I'm very sorry I don't have better answers but we'll do...
  3. Henriettamom919

    Blood under perches, what could it be?

    Oh honey, I do not know! You're right, it doesn't present like standard coccidiosis but I'm not sure what IT is! Any chance your girls caught and ate a mouse or something from the roost? Short of having the droppings tested by a vet I think just putting down fresh paper and keeping an eye out...
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