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  1. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Yes I am taking some steps with that. Since I don't have a separate coop I do have a large dog crate and plan to keep them in that for a bit but let them in the coop at night once Henocide is settled down. I'm not worried about Henocide, I worried about them. The guy who had adult hens sold them...
  2. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    I have considered having 4 instead of 3 since I'm extending their run to a total of 232 sq ft. but 4 would really cram up the coop which is 16 sq ft. I have no way of building onto it or adding another coop to the set up, at least at this time.
  3. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Hello everyone, sorry I've been absent. Henocide is still alive and well... but like I said, so was the second one of the 3 I had die for 15 days after the first one's death. The guy I was in contact with has oddly stopped responding to me... I'm sure as a local farmer his hens would not be...
  4. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Also, is there some kind of pet safe disinfectant spray or something I can use? I can replace bedding and stuff, but I can't really clean the ground of the enclosure besides raking up as much droppings as I can.
  5. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    I've found someone who is willing to sell me some 6 month old Barred Rocks, but I'm still afraid I'll spend the time and money and then a few days or weeks later my girl dies and now the new ones have it and they die too. Waste of time, money, and heart. Not sure how to even prevent this in the...
  6. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    It took 15 days before the second one died and there wasn't any signs of it until she was weak. I'm just worried if I get two more, then they'll all get it and I'll get down to one chicken and have to repeat the process. I have nowhere I can quarantine separate. Maybe if I wait a week and she's...
  7. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    So this is what the last girl's poop looked like yesterday. But she also has normal stool too. Can anyone tell anything from this?
  8. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    I could maybe come up with something. I've thought about playing a radio or getting a mirror or some other trick used for pet birds.
  9. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Thank you for the support. It feels nice to have ppl who understand to talk to and seek advice from. I really hope their short lives were blissful up to the end. Now I just worry about this one being sad until she passes, which could be any day from what it seems
  10. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    We completely cleaned it all out when the first one died. Used a mite spray but can you suggest a good disinfectant? We are going to do the same but it didnt seem to change anything. Thought it was 15 days between deaths. Idk how much longer I should wait for the 3rd. My chicken raising friend...
  11. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    I dont know what is worse, waiting weeks to see if she survives and see her miserable alone, crying for her flock mates and possibly die from the stress of it or risk finding new hens and they all get whatever it is and die. It feels hopeless and like one way or another she's going to die.
  12. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Their eggs had been normal. They look and acted perfectly healthy, sa t least the last one who died was. I didn't see the first one who died for 3 days before she passed. But even before than, eggs were great, active and happy, then suddenly they are acting weak and dying. My two lost girls are...
  13. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Is there anything I can do to help her loneliness? My remaining girl is just crying and walking around confused and alone. I tried to spend some extra time with her but I work full time. And theres no way I can replace a fellow hen. I watch her and just feel horrible for her, but I cant put new...
  14. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Thank you so much. I've spent the whole day at work just trying not to cry. As heartbroken as I am, I'm scared for my last one more. Idk if I have the time to stop this even if I did have one of the others tested and it's too late now having been frozen and buried. My last girl seems so lonely...
  15. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    I remember reading about that. Mostly I give them dried millworms, sometimes seed treats (not a lot though with it being so hot). Besides that just fruit and veggies. I'd hang a lettuce maybe once week and they'd devour it in 5 hours. When it was really hot I'd give them frozen berries. I...
  16. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    I really appreciate the support. Many people have told me things like chickens can die just because they felt like it, but it doesn't make me feel better. With the set up I have right now, having more than 4 would be crowded (at least in my opinion). I have a 132 sq ft enclosure and a 16 sq ft...
  17. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Yeah, I'm a newb and despite how hard I've tried to be a good chicken owner, feel like I'm failing at every turn. Really discouraging to even try again if my last one goes. I don't want to be responsible for more death.
  18. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Also, someone had called the tractor supply and other farm store in my area the day before me apparently, looking for the same medicine. Both places told me there have been a lot of farms coming in saying a bacterial infection was taking out their flocks this year. But mine would have no contact...
  19. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    I've already buried them after keeping them in a freezer, will that obsure the results? Also one was buried 15 days ago, so doubt there is anything left of her. I didn't put their bodies inside anything. Just returned them to the Earth.
  20. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Sorry for the chapter book I'm about to write. I'm heartbroken. I only have 3 girls and now 2 are gone. I'm so upset, I did everything I could right. I tried to do everything by the books and speak to people here and I knew about raising chickens, and then one died suddenly two weeks ago. I had...
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