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  1. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    That makes sense!! Maybe I’ll try a female next dog :lau
  2. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Thanks!! Very helpful!! :D Our Lab used to roam all over the neighborhood although of course my dad let him :rolleyes: But still. You’d call him and he’d stop and turn to look at you and then just keep going LOL like “screw you” :lau:th The Pyr mix too. Hoping for something that wants to...
  3. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Thanks!! Great info! They really do both seem like great breeds. :)
  4. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Thanks! Good point. Would definitely be handy having a fenced area. Maybe we’ll fence the backyard and/or the front garden in and leave the huge front yard for when they’re when with me. :D
  5. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    I never thought of it that way before!! That makes perfect sense!! Thank you!!
  6. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Libby and Franklin are the same haha they don’t do much alone. And that’s good to know!! Especially since I’d like to be able to have them off leash. :D Do you think they necessarily need a fenced yard or can they learn the boundaries?? Cause ours isn’t fenced and while we do plan on fencing...
  7. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    That makes a lot of sense! Thanks! Thankfully we have a huge yard so they can get plenty of running and playing in. :D I also like spending time with dogs anyway so I’d likely be out playing with them or walking them or training or something anyway haha fun to me but I’m also paranoid they could...
  8. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Nice to know that they can chill and have off days cause that’s what concerned me about BCs. I thought they were like always “on” and/or needing stuff and never stopped or turned off haha
  9. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Never thought of it like that before but totally true!! And yes, that is definitely the hardest part lol training the hulas is usually harder than training the dogs :lau
  10. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    :lau:gig:lau That's amazing!!! My dad and brother are terrible with dogs and always let them do whatever or they’ll let them do one thing then yell at them for it the next :barnie
  11. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    That’s amazing. :love We picked Gator and he ended up being amazing but there really wasn’t much choice because there were only 2 puppies left and he was the only boy and my brothers really wanted a boy. Also the girl left and roamed around outside and he stayed inside with us and wanted...
  12. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    He sounds awesome!! I think agility would be good for him. :D I think sometimes young dogs in general can be pretty intense for a while. My friend has two Goldens. One is around 5 or 6 and very calm, typical Golden, always has been, was basically trained by 6 months, came from a breeder. The...
  13. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Good info once again!! Thanks! My main thing is I’ve always worried I couldn’t handle a BC, that they’d be a bit too intense, and an Aussie would be better, but maybe they’re both pretty intense and/or energetic?
  14. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Exactly!! And I wish more people actually did stuff with their dogs. :( So many are just locked in crates all day or stuck out in the backyard and ignored and nobody notices these dogs because they’re getting all the best food and shots and everything and not on the streets but they may as well...
  15. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    That’s a good idea! Although two herding dogs at once might be a bit much for me :lau :lol: I would like to try them both though... Also considering a Golden or Lab or even a poodle or small breed so all pretty different breeds hah
  16. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    They both sound great. So hard to choose haha
  17. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Thank you for this! Very insightful and informative! Definitely a lot to think about haha
  18. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Hi everyone! So sorry I never replied! Totally forgot I didn’t. :oops: Anyway, thanks for all the info!! I really appreciate it!! Very helpful. The dog would just be a pet but I LOVE training and am constantly reading about it and/or trying to teach the dog new things/work with it/work on old...
  19. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Heelers do seem like good dogs :D I don’t know if I’d be able to handle one though. I’m sure I probably could but I’ve heard they can be a bit dominant which worries me but I’m sure they would be fine. How are they with other animals? That’s another thing that worries me :hide
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