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  1. wolfinator

    ?'s on Runner ducks...

    That's great. Mine are free ranged within a large open fenced area. They sleep outside only going in at night to eat. They get Purina Layena pellets or equivalent, if out of stock. Here lately with the snow and now it's melting, turning the pen into a mud pit, I've been putting a pan of layer...
  2. wolfinator

    ?'s on Runner ducks...

    Yes, the days are shorter and I figured they'll all going to make me wait til spring for eggs. At least I'll be getting eggs as others are raising ducklings. I'm wondering if the loss of my other duck hen didn't affect her as well. She went from 4-5 eggs weekly to none and the weather was still...
  3. wolfinator

    ?'s on Runner ducks...

    I have a 17 month old (7/24/19) Runner duck hen who started laying about 5 months. She suddenly stopped laying back on Aug 6th, just over a year old. A week later I lost my only khaki Campbell duck hen to unknown causes. She was 2 1/2 and a great layer. Strangely both stopped laying a few days...
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