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  1. C

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    Thank you! I used permethrin to treat the birds and clean the coop. Forgot to include that! I really don’t think it is bugs either, I’ve had three people (one has raised chickens for 40+ years) check my gals and they didn’t see any evidence of mites either. I have my three dominant hens in...
  2. C

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    Yes, they have free access to oyster shells at all times. I’ve check and treated for lice and mites twice, as well as treating the entire coop and run for mites as well.
  3. C

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    Thank you! No signs of mites that I can see. And I have experienced mites in a flock before, so I have some experience as to what they look like and where to find them. I did treat for mites twice, 11 days apart, back in December. I also completely cleaned the coop and treated it like it had a...
  4. C

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    Thank you! I did treat for mites twice back in December, just to cover all my bases. Plus did a total coop clean, scrubbed everything with bleach water, rinsed out, and added DE to all new bedding, nest boxes, and dust bathing areas.
  5. C

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    Correct. I treated for mites/lice anyways just in case. Waited 11 days between treatments. Also did a complete empty of coop and bedding materials, soaked every thing in bleach water, scrubbed, and rinsed out. Replaced all bedding, and added DE to all the books and crannies, neat boxes, and dust...
  6. C

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    Nope, no roosters. Forgot to mention that.
  7. C

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    Hi all! I’m new to the group so thank you for being willing to help! I grew up with chickens and had them for the first 20 years of my life. I am now 34 and finally have a small flock of my own! I have eight hens: 1 Easter egger, 2 orpingtons, 2 cream legbars, 1 Maran, 1 Brahma cross, and 1...
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