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  1. Liz Birdlover

    Head Injury on Baby Chicks- Open Wound. Help!!

    Use needle nose tweezers if you have to, but get those nasty things out. Then clean the area. I've used veterycin or peroxide, then apply Neosporin. A fly had to lay eggs on the wound for this to happen. Keep the chicks in an area that doesn't have flies. This chick needs nutrition, get live...
  2. Liz Birdlover

    Head Injury on Baby Chicks- Open Wound. Help!!

    Poor chicks...but I've had much worse happen, skin was hanging & I saw neck tendons. I did apply Neosporin gently & I set chick up in a warm brooder that 1st night, then moved her & another picked on chick over to the bathtub that I use as a larger brooder & I just heat the entire tiny bathroom...
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