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  1. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I tried a group shot but the older three just wanted to run around so I did individual ones. Pretty sure I'm seeing little beards on some. Chick #1 Echo. Chick #2 Chick #3 Chick #4 Chick #5, the lighter chick
  2. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    My last two May chicks have hatched. One looks just like the other three and ones lighter. Hopeing for some pullets because they will be green layers. Will take a group shot when the newest are all fluffy
  3. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    So jealous, we dont have the celadon gene here in Australia
  4. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    The two eggs due yesterday hatched, they were the eggs under the broody that went cold, in hindsight I did move her and the eggs so that was most likely the cause of her getting off them. They look just like the first chick but I have a feeling they are both cockerels. The last 2 eggs just went...
  5. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Had another Jumbo Coturnix hatch, it's siblings are twice its size if not more already and full of energy so its in with the little quail while it builds up strength and can keep up with the big ones. The last two coturnix eggs are quitters and there is one king/button egg remaining that I cant...
  6. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Some of the button quail in a cookie tin on their way to the brooder tank.
  7. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Took it out when I saw no more pips. Both legs have issues. The legs are stiff and sadly I don't think can be corrected. 6 other healthy chicks have hatched and 1 more pipped after I put this guy back
  8. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    No, there are pipped eggs so I'm going to wait for now
  9. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    This months hatch along is not going well for me. First little button quail out has messed up legs, one is so twisted it looks like it's on backwards :hit
  10. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    First pip on the button quail! These I'm super excited for
  11. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I had gone to do that not long after posting and saw intestines so little one was culled. Another two have hatched. Echo is still waiting on the other chickens to hatch so introduced to the quail again and shes being nice now, shown them the food and water for me. Currently all snuggled...
  12. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I'm up to 7 quails but the most recent has hatched with unasorbed yolk, im worried the other 6 will peck at it but I have more eggs with pips so cant remove the others, I have made the room dark for now so hopefully they dont bother it
  13. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    OMG I put the eggs in the incubator because of the saying "its not dead until its warm and dead" and after they warmed up THERE IS MOVEMENT IN BOTH EGGS!!!!
  14. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Went to check on broody bella and she was off the very cold eggs, candled and there was no movement. Two more quail have hatched and one zipped most of the way then looks to have passed. Pips on some of the other eggs
  15. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    First quail is out. Big chick decieded to try and eat its feet and even flung it a little so snatched it out before it hurts the quail. I may try and introduce it to broody Bella when her chicks hatch which went into "lockdown" yesterday. Here is the bully named Echo
  16. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Mostly ornamental pets to live in my cockatiel, budgie and finch aviaries and to act as a clean up crew. Other than aviaries I aleo keep them in long flight cages modified so the floor is solid rather than wire or in rabbit hutches
  17. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    My jumbo quail have started pipping which started right after the solo chicken chick in with them hatched. Button quail due to hatch right after these
  18. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Button quail are now in lockdown. Coturnix and a chicken tomorrow. I candled my ducks eggs which are on day 7 and i dont see any development :hit
  19. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I have one chicken egg going into lockdown in 4 days, debating if I should give the egg to a broody or have it wait 2-3 days for its sibling to hatch then slip them under the broody. Quail eggs are going into lockdown as well in 3 and 4 days so I'll finally have something hatching soon
  20. AusHen

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    What would you do if you recieved shipped duck eggs with air cells that were a little wiggly and your incubator only works with eggs on their sides. Would you incubate on their sides from day one, incubate in cut cartons for a certain time then lay them in their sides or would you incubate...
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