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  1. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    We have 22 quail so far... two more hatched through the night. 4 eggs left but they seem to be doing nothing... I’ll candle them later.
  2. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Lots of quail this morning. We only had 2 when we went to bed last night. They are so cute!
  3. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    My little qualies are hatching. 6 were out so far. I am sure I’ll wake up to 20 something tomorrow. Quail take no time to hatch!
  4. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Yeah it just a few weeks. That big one loves being with the little ones so I let it 🤣
  5. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Pulled 6 infertile quail eggs... I’m down to 26 quail eggs. They’ll be going into lock down on Wednesday. Excited to see what these look like. Here’s a pic of the ones that are 2 weeks old and one 4 week old.
  6. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Do you have a small bowl or a cup that can fit in the incubator? It’ll stop the quail from injuring itself
  7. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    What do you do with button quail? I’ve always wanted them but I never knew how to make them a cage or aviary. They’re so tiny compared to coturnix.
  8. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I did that on my first hatch, but I didn’t see it work very well 😂 I instead went out shopping and focused on buying stuff instead of on chicks hatching. I came home to an incubator full of little fluffies! Chicken chicks and ducklings always take their sweet time. Quail pop out one after...
  9. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I use a chicken egg turner and it works. I’ve never had to buy the quail rails and I’m too cheap lol
  10. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I had the same experience, I helped a chick out of the egg and it had such severe wry neck. I should’ve just not touched the egg because we had to cull it anyways. There was no fixing it
  11. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Only 1 quail egg didn’t hatch and we had to cull 1 chick due to its neck literally twisted and touching its back. Placed 32 quail eggs in incubator yesterday now to wait another 18 days
  12. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I store mine pointed side down and I never move the carton. I’ve never seen a need to do that when hatch rates have been 90%+ even on 2 week old eggs that have been just sitting pointed end down. I don’t see chickens or any bird store their eggs and move them numerous times before they decide...
  13. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I just put my chicks with the big chickens. They were flying out of the brooder and are almost completely feathered. Mrs Tweedy abandoned the 2 chicks she had. After about 3 weeks she’s done being a mom 🤣
  14. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Quail are popping like 🍿 4 out! Once one goes, they all go! Definitely setting more quail eggs after this hatch. I have 21 eggs already saved up.
  15. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Hey little guy
  16. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    2 quail are out. Keeping them in the incubator until tomorrow. Hopefully the others will be hatched by then.
  17. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I just checked my celadon egg and it has an external pip! They weren’t supposed to hatch until Mother’s Day,. I didn’t touch any of the others after I saw that external pip. Pip Squeak will have a friend soon! He’s still hanging with the chicken chicks.
  18. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Absolutely love your rooster!
  19. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Pulled 2 quail eggs tonight. One was broken at the bottom, not sure how that happened. The other was a clear. I have a celadon egg that is fertile this time!
  20. FortCluck

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Haven’t touched the quail eggs or anything. I’m waiting till Wednesday next week to see which are good or not (they hatch on Mother’s Day). I’ve been hands off this round.
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