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  1. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    There was only one survivor of my hatch, and that one had to be assisted out of the egg after two days. The egg shell was quite thick, and I have cut down on the amount of oyster shell that the girls get. Anyway, here was the chick on Monday (hatch day) and again yesterday. It's early, but...
  2. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    So there's still hope. Thank you!!!
  3. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I didn't calibrate anything because I don't know how. I'm using a thermometer and hydrometer made for hatching, so since they're made for hatching, I figured they'd be good to go. It is a styrofoam still air incubator. After they'd been in there for a few weeks somebody told me to move the...
  4. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    This morning there are two holes and visible movement from inside the egg. It looks like it'll probably hatch today, but there's no sign of a pip from the other 4 eggs. It's Day 23.
  5. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    It made a hole in the egg, and about an hour ago it was really working at it. This is how it looks now. The lines are my penciling where the air cell was. Made a mistake at first, and redid it on the other end, LOL.
  6. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Many thanks. I'll wait a bit. The membrane that's visible where it's breaking open looks white. One of the eggs was pretty lively before lockdown, and it hasn't even pipped yet.
  7. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    How long should I wait before interfering? The chick started to pip 26 hours ago, and the egg has a crack nearly an inch long. The other eggs are not showing signs of hatching yet.
  8. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    One egg is starting to crack open! Woo-hoo!!
  9. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    There hasn't been any more pipping or cracking of shells, but somebody was peeping inside an egg this morning! :love
  10. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Someone said that their chicks tried harder to hatch when they played a video of chicks chirping, so the laptop is next to the incubator playing a video of chicks chirping. So far, no answers from the incubator.
  11. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    It's day 21, and the pip on the bottom of the egg in the middle is moving in and out. It's a chick! OMG, NOW what do I do??? This is my first hatch! :eek:
  12. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I have 6 eggs due to hatch on Friday. Three of the cuckoo Leghorn eggs look full when candled, and one of the silver grey Dorking eggs looks 3/4 full. The other two eggs are partially dark with blood rings. Fingers crossed for 3-4 chicks.
  13. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    OK, thank you. I just rotated them and removed the two clear eggs.
  14. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    They're sitting in an egg turner that constantly rotates them.
  15. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    It is a still air with an egg turner.
  16. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Yesterday was Day 12. I candled when adding more water. Of the 3 Dorking eggs, one is clear and one is less developed than the third one. I don't know if the less developed one is still viable. Of the 5 Leghorn eggs, same story. One is clear and one is less developed than the others...
  17. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    It's day 4, and I can see veins beginning in 4 of the 5 Leghorn eggs, and 2 of the 3 Dorking eggs. One of each appears to be clear, but it is still too early to tell.
  18. Geckolady

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    After losing the last hatch to egg turner and humidity gauge problems, today I set 8 more eggs into the incubator. Five of them are from my cuckoo Leghorns, and 3 of them are from silver grey Dorking pullets x mystery roos, most likely either Aloha or silver grey Dorking.
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