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  1. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    😂😂😂 Well, they had just come back from getting their Marek shot. I bet they were grumpy!! They are Sulmtaler in wheaten but as of this year I also got them in white. They are really sweet birds... not grumpy at all.
  2. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    17 chicks hatched Sunday/Monday. I was hoping for more as I started with 44 eggs. This was my last hatch for this year. My breeding groups have been split up... the ladies get a break from the roosters. All in all I hatched 106 chicks.
  3. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    24 eggs went into lockdown. I started out with 44... hoping for the best.
  4. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Candled my 44 eggs today... 31 are still in the game. Even though 5 have a ? because I wasn't sure if they are still alive. This year has not been so great... lots of infertile (had to change a rooster in the last minute). And quite a few that didn't make it out of the shell (in comparison to...
  5. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I am sooo sorry!!! :hugs
  6. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Good luck!! Do I see some 52g eggs in there???!!! :rolleyes:
  7. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    So much for 30 eggs.... I put in 44.... :lol::lol::lol: But still... it is the last hatch. Kinda sad but I will have enough chicks then.
  8. abpatchy

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I am joining in as well... for the last time this year.... I am setting eggs for May 10th. Not sure how many yet... about 30... just a small hatch this time.
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