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  1. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Sounds like you've both done well!! Out of the ten eggs that made it to lockdown, 9 hatched (the last one was malpositioned upside down and pipped straight through the wrong end)!!, and we only lost one, who was a late quitter and died without internally pipping. For my first hatch, I'm very...
  2. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    So we woke up on Day 21 to see 4 hatched, 5 pipped 😊
  3. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Day 20 - 1 hatched, a few internally pipped and no other external pips.
  4. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I thought once they've started zipping it's fairly quick? I waited it out and this one has just managed to poke her beak in and continue unzipping again.
  5. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    How long would you leave it before helping if its stuck?
  6. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Dangerous, you better put something in them, quick 😂
  7. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Oh my word I'm so excited!!! Thank goodness I'm working from home 😂
  8. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Is this the start of zipping? He'd already pipped about 4 hours ago.
  9. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    So I miscalculated... We're now day 20 and I have heard chirping from some eggs and have 1 external pip!
  10. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Good idea, I have been playing lots or chick sounds but completely forgot!!
  11. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    This is my first time and I am SO nervous, I check the incubator every half an hour to see if any have pipped and I'm constantly shushing everyone to try listening for chirps haha. I've pretty much convinced myself none of them will hatch - I have bad anxiety!
  12. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I'm day 20, no pips but lots of movement. Panicking 😂 (first time hatcher)
  13. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Phew, thank goodness I didn't then!
  14. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

  15. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I thought you're supposed to stand them for 24 hours air cell up to let everything settle? I saw a few people post about it since I set mine...
  16. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I am day 19 or 20 - I know you're supposed to count the first day as 0, which would make this 19, but I didn't set my eggs properly and put them straight into a warm incubator after 8 hrs under a broody hen - what do you guys think? Either way I am playing all the chicken music on YouTube now...
  17. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    I think you're right, I'd take the trade off.
  18. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Are FBCM auto sexing? Congrats!
  19. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Definitely the broody... I had 6 out of 6 hatch last year under her, this time its nerve-wracking in the incubator! Although I do love being able to watch them move about in there. What day are yours on?
  20. bethpr

    May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Hey guys! I'm late to the party but only found this page a couple days ago. I set my eggs a couple weeks ago and they have a due date of 3rd May! I'm using a Brinsea Maxi II Eco with a semi auto Turner. Started off with 14 eggs from our CL cockerel and hybrid hens, had 1 yolker, 3 quitters so...
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