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  1. KGQuail24

    Bullying at onset of laying?

    I wanted to write an update, for the benefit of anyone else who may be going through the same thing. The hen who was being the meanie has mellowed way out now, 2 weeks later. I have a feeling she started laying and isn't so scared or uncomfortable or whatever. She has assumed a place near the...
  2. KGQuail24

    Bullying at onset of laying?

    That's a great idea. Just a half an hour and then back again will work? I will definitely keep this idea in my back pocket before doing anything more drastic. Couldn't hurt to try, at the least. Thank you! Two days ago the flock produced their very first 2 eggs. Yesterday I got 1. Today, nearly...
  3. KGQuail24

    Bullying at onset of laying?

    Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am still keeping fingers crossed that harmony will return as laying normalizes. If any injuries happen or the chasing increases, I will try what you suggest and divide her again, this time for longer, maybe a week instead of a day. There's a hardware cloth door...
  4. KGQuail24

    Bullying at onset of laying?

    Thank you for your reply. This certainly may be the case, but I'm still struck at the coincidence of the bad behavior starting right on the same day that first laying began. She was a perfectly sweet bird for 8 weeks and then -boom. I'm going to give her a little more time while laying gets more...
  5. KGQuail24

    Bullying at onset of laying?

    We are new to quail keeping and have a small flock of 6 Coturnix hens; 3 are brown/pharaoh and 3 are golden/Italian. We got them at 4 weeks of age and now they are 8 weeks old. All has been going pretty perfectly until 2 major changes happened yesterday - nervous activity from the birds overall...
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