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  1. Lizzy733

    Water Belly - Recommendations

    Tragedy - She'd perked up quite a bit, so I brought her down to the pen to spend a bit of time with the girls today so she wouldn't get estranged, called out the girls and made sure she was received ok and then went inside to finish some work. Came to get her back in about two hours later...
  2. Lizzy733

    Water Belly - Recommendations

    Poor girl seems in good spirits today - I have her inside, but have foregone any supplemental heating. She is eating and drinking, adjusting her position after toileting, but taking advantage of not having to move around and is staying settled in one place. Not wanting to stand at all, despite...
  3. Lizzy733

    Water Belly - Recommendations

    Ok, had a 22 gauge to work with and got a good 200ml+ out. Had to extract it by hand due to the smaller syringe and only had a 3ml to draw with so lost count at some point :/. Didn't draw everything - didn't want to shock her system, but went until it wasn't dripping out on its own anymore. A...
  4. Lizzy733

    Water Belly - Recommendations

    Thanks, will look into this I've not noted any respiratory distress and her color is good, which is the only outlier in diagnosing her - no outward signs of a fever or behavior that would indicate an 'infection'. Hopefully it's not an ovarian cist or anything of that nature, but I couldn't...
  5. Lizzy733

    Water Belly - Recommendations

    Hey Guys, Long time no post and I wish it were under better circumstances. One of my dear hens has been struggling with a swollen abdomen for some time. - She's a 2.5 year old brown shaver, has gone through her moult and not gone back on the lay - not suspecting she ever will again...
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