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  1. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Thank you so much's absolutely heartbreaking because she was so playful and really seemed to be improving the past few days.. but again thank you so much for your kind def means a lot..
  2. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    UODATE ON MY SWEET MIA who I was asking if her symptoms were a possible allergy to the new sweet quail Mia passed away with a seizure at 845 pm.. she was showing such life and a awesome will to live the past few days..she even tried flying..but she ended up Out of nowhere falling...
  3. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Or just do the terramycin when it gets delivered
  4. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Had a online vet reach out and said judging by the pics I sent them via email they say she has a sinus infection and the vet recommended tylan..any one agree with this being a sinus infection (asking y'all as a second opinion)
  5. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Guys I was doing her 2nd daily eye flush with the saline and a big ball of white puss came out of one of her eyes..I can actually see her little eye ..she's still super puffed up on both sides but I'm waiting on the terramycin to be delivered..(it was recommended to me by several of u for a...
  6. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Alright I'll make her a separate cage to keep her in indefinitely AWAY from my other quail (she's in a small laundry basket in the house on puppy pads and I clean her little feet off to keep her from stepping in it so I can constantly feed/waterer her by hand )and I'll check with a online vet...
  7. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Thank you for letting me no I was looking at the right terramycin..thanks for all your help..
  8. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Thank you 007sean , so much ,for the info.. so if she does have the mycoplasma will she always need to be kept away from the rest of my birds?? I'll try to get a prescription of one of those meds if I can find a online vet that'll write it out for me (no vets in 4 states treat quail around...
  9. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    O ok thanks for your suggestion of what it could be but the 14 quail r the only birds I own and none of my neighbors (to my knowledge have chickens) but thanks for your suggestion and that's def helpful to keep in mind in case I ever want to introduce chickens thanks:) ill def do some more...
  10. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Thanks for clarifying that for me .I never would have known the difference since I'm just starting out.. :)
  11. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    What is coryza?? And thanks for giving a suggestion of what her eye could be :) and how is that normally treated
  12. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    These r my 4 "courtinix" that I thought I had..they don't have any white so judging by ur description I'm guessing these 4 girls r the "pharaoh"?? I got 1 way up in the top left corner then the 2 right up front then 1 more poking her head right in camera view..
  13. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Thanks I didn't no that they're were various types..just going off what the seller told me..the "courtinix" I got r big hefty brown with black specks all over their chest & belly.. I thought the tuxedos we're just a certain kind all to their selves..:)
  14. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    The other 4 quail I have are quartinix (but they r kept on the complete other side of the property (got 14 quail total but 10 tuxedos and 4 quartinix)
  15. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Is this the correct terramycin In case I need it is this the correct terramycin for her eye if the saline and Neosporin doesn't work
  16. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Thank you so much for offering some 2x daily with the flushes and Neosporin then if not better after a few days get her some terramycin?? Is that typically something from Amazon or my local tractors supply and again thank you so much for reading my post and offering some help
  17. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Im sorry my phone autocorrected to mango instead of margo
  18. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Floor candy that is for the advice I'll def keep that in mind when trying to see who's a what..thanks!!
  19. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Thanks for replying floor candy .I'm a brand new quail owner- literally 2 weeks so Im not sure if she's even a "she" we purchased 10 tuxedos and only 2 we're supposed to be male but I've actually caught 5 trying to submit the other 5 and immediately removed those trying to mount and put them in...
  20. T

    Help please is this a allergy to shavings

    Justbabymargo, would u happen to know how to treat her like any supplements or meds..any info would be absolutely appreciated and thanks for offering a possible cause.
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