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  1. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    I was planning on painting it, both for the protection and to make it look a bit nicer (especially once I add my own window covers, I’d want everything to match!). Definitely yes to adding a floor, I was probably going to put down some vinyl tiles too to make cleaning easier too.
  2. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    That’s exactly what I was thinking for the smaller windows, so they can be opened when it gets hot during the summer and closed when it’s cold in the winter. For the roof ventilation I calculated the area of the section under the “A” of the roof and if I just removed the section it would be a...
  3. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    Are there taller/thicker ones, or similar things to rest it on that would bring it up more? A play house is flat on the ground so I don’t think an inch or two would do much, unless I’m thinking of the wrong thing. Would some cinder blocks (maybe stacked up?) work?
  4. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    All I’ve got is a jigsaw to make cuts, basic drill, and a hammer and nails. Precise measurements for cuts/angles are not my strong suit. I can cut a rectangle cover for those windows on the playhouse with plywood, but that’s about it. And sadly no I don’t know anyone with the skill set/tools.
  5. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    I’ve been trying to figure out how to put it on a raised platform so cleaning wouldn’t be as much of an issue, and so I wouldn’t have to bend over much for the eggs. Ive been brainstorming for months now and a playhouse seems like the best bang for my buck with the budget I’ve got. I guess...
  6. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    Yes, I have checked craigslist, OfferUp, FB marketplace, etc. and nothing. I have figured out a plan for that second play house and I think I’m going to go with that. I would cover up the large windows on the left and right, and cover the windows in the front and back with hardware cloth...
  7. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    The problem is even the cheapest sheds I have found are way too expensive, I can only afford $500, maybe $700 but that’s pushing it. Edit: whoops only meant to reply to windrider, not sure why it did that.
  8. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    I am not very handy, I can cut a few things and nail in a few roosting bars but that’s it. I definitely need some kind of prebuilt base to work off of, and a kids play house seems the most affordable wooden option that isn’t a prefab. After reading the responses, I found this one...
  9. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    im in Massachusetts, the max hear is in the 80's/low 90's for a month or two of the summer, winters canget as low as the single digits, occasionally the negatives but not often, but the average winter temperature is in the teens/twenties
  10. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    I have a wooden kids playhouse I'm planning on converting to a coop for 4-6 chickens (average size breeds, like Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks). They would have access to an enclosed run all day, and only be confined to the coop at night. My main concern is how much ventilation to add. The...
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