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  1. chicknmania

    Potential human contact with waterfowl - how to prevent/disinfect for avian flu & contaminated shoes?

    OH, and I don't remember what thread this was on, but someone said that McMurray Hatchery had bird flu. I've seen nothing in the news about that and I also monitor the USDA sites EVERY day, and they haven't said anytning about a hatchery anywhere contracting bird flu. I was curious, so I called...
  2. chicknmania

    Potential human contact with waterfowl - how to prevent/disinfect for avian flu & contaminated shoes?

    I don't really know how much good this does, but anytime I go to the feed store or anywhere where I know there are waterfowl and I may have stepped in poop or driven through it, I wash my car tires off at the car wash, and disinfect my tires with Oxine spray before I hit our driveway. And I...
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