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  1. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    Today was the first day feeding the fermented feed! I was able to feed all the chickens in both coops (58 in main, 15 in Silkies pen) and my 4 ducks with what I would normally just feed to the chickens in the main coop! I just have to figure out a better system for straining out the water... But...
  2. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    This is my worst fear... I really do try to limit their access... That's why I scatter the feed far and wide so they only get a nibble here and there. Oh, and I was wrong about my chicken math. I counted last night. I have 56 birds...not 30-40. 👀 one tell my DH! So if I assume 6...
  3. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    This isn't the greatest picture but it partially shows some of the extra livestock panels. They are pretty heavy. Are these what you were suggesting? Or cow panels? My fat chickens can't get through a cow panel square.... 😂
  4. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    YES! This is a great idea! I have extra livestock panels that I can do this rather easily.... The chickens can get under them but the goats can't. Oh thank you so much! I will try to set this up this weekend and post some pictures. I will need to pick up some extra feed bowls too. I'm...
  5. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    I'm thinking of a 2ft x 2 ft "table " that I can open like a lid. Feeding bowl goes inside. The sides can be slated so chickens can easily get in and out but goats can't? Would still take a lot of wood... I might be able to do it with free pallets but those are getting harder to find now too
  6. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    I actually like this idea but with only 4 feeding spots, I'd need 10 tables. That's a lot of wood....
  7. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    Yep... My goats would be playing kickball with a 5 gallon bucket... I strapped the tote to the fence to keep them from tossing that too which sucks because that means I lose feeding access to one side of the tote. I also suspect the goats may or may not have played a part in furthering the...
  8. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    I'm thinking maybe I just need to ferment the goat feed too? And then set up many (8-10) communal feeding bowls? Knowing that the goats will end up making their way to each one but hoping the chickens get enough to eat before they do?
  9. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    I had a feeder like that when I had fewer birds which worked really well. But I'd need quite a few of them now to have enough to feed 40 birds... I made mine from a plastic tote which allowed me to feed 6 birds at a time...which means I'd need 7 totes. I've discovered the hard way that those...
  10. TJAnonymous

    Feeding dilemma - NEED INPUT!

    I have a large run that is approximately 125 ft x 35 ft. The run is subdivided into 2 sections. The chickens (30-40 birds) have access to both sections. However they share their runs with 2 goats and 4 ducks. The goats are in the larger subsection (approx 100 ft x 35 ft) and the ducks are in the...
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