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  1. Sergio19Peter

    Hatching and raising chicks

    It looks nice
  2. Sergio19Peter

    Hatching and raising chicks

    That is beautiful I like it
  3. Sergio19Peter

    Hatching and raising chicks

    Yep I clean the water every two days because they're very messy. This is just temporary for them eventually I'm going to move them to a bigger brooder that I have outside. My outside brooder is 4 ft long by 2 ft and a half high. Once they're big enough I'm just going to release them with the...
  4. Sergio19Peter

    Hatching and raising chicks

    Looks like the flock of baby chickens is growing and always a good idea to keep a heating lamp that for a while until you notice they don't need it anymore. I am loaded with a variety oh baby chicks from Rhode Island red, Wyandotte, Plymouth Rock, Bantam, and the majority of them are Australorp...
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