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  1. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Thank you! It's always horribly sad seeing house/farm cats dumped on a stranger's property. I feel so bad for the little guys. :hit
  2. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Wow, it's been a long while! One of our outdoor strays gave birth at the start of May to two kittens, one stillborn. So little Vincent is all on his own with just his mommy for company. :( But he's growing fast and is very healthy! I got this pic of him a few hours ago. So sweet! :love
  3. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Popoki is just gorgeous.
  4. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    I'm currently designing some postcards to sell, but canvas is a great idea as well!
  5. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Thanks so much everyone! The feedback really means a lot. It encourages me to continue with my photography. :hugs
  6. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Went out searching for abandoned buildings and got these shots. Very happy with the end product!
  7. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    This shot came out perfectly. Miss Muffet being dramatic like usual. And stunning Amelia. I love how bright orange her eyes are. 😍
  8. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    More Angelica. And some wheat fields and blue sky!
  9. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    One of my silkie roosters. They're currently up for sale but so far no one is interested. One of my EEs, Angelica. And my almost 4 month old Buff Orpington cockerel, Uhtred. He's getting large very fast!
  10. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    A peony from our garden. I love that vibrant pink! And some pretty flames. :D
  11. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    I've been having the hardest time getting good photos recently. Maybe I'm just getting pickier? :lol: Anyway, here's some random shots from the last month. Western Kingbird These cloud formations were too irresistible to capture. Batty once again. :) A sunset from last night.
  12. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    I love the peace of this photo.
  13. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Just found this photo from one of our 2020 kittens. Look at those eyes! :love
  14. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Simple but beautiful Celeste.
  15. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    My silkies are growing up! I really hope I get some hens. :fl
  16. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Cats who purr non-stop are the best. :love Like this darling, Chatty, who is constantly talking to us as well!
  17. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    I'm glad you enjoy the photos! And Nightshade is gorgeous! What beautiful eyes! :love
  18. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    I was going for an enchanted forest vibe with these photos. They're obviously extremely edited (the trees are actually green), but it gives a really cool effect. These were taken in a little copse of trees near our property, and it is so eery in there. 👀
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