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  1. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Good advice from AZ. The overall framing in the first image is good except for cutting off that one pedal. Backing up a couple more inches to include it would greatly improve the image.
  2. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Ask 5 people opinions on cropping and you'll end up with 10 different crops... :lau I think of the rule of thirds as more of a guideline to keep you from always center composing. Sometimes it looks great with the body right on an intersecting line, sometimes with the head right on an...
  3. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    I agree with everything AZ said. I like the low angle, eyelevel perspective. This is much better than looking down at it. The background in this case isn't the best and is a little distracting. As far as composition, ideally, you want more room in front of the chicken than behind it. You...
  4. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    I think it would be better if the tail was not cropped off. A vertical composition might work well too. Something like this.... Also, I would try to get lower and take a more eyelevel shot, assuming there is nothing crazy distracting in the background.
  5. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Forgot to mention, if you are trying to get the best image possible, try shooting an hour or two after sunrise or an hour or two before sunset (during golden hour) on a day with little to no clouds. You will want the sun at your back so the chicken is evenly lit.
  6. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    This... Also the trees are leaning left so the whole image needs to be rotated so they are more straight up. Since the chicken is flying to the right you want more room in front of the chicken than behind. So it should be on the left side of the image which gives it room to fly in to. Like...
  7. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Nice action shot. I assume you're looking for a critique. Since it's flying up and to the left, I like that it is positioned in the bottom right 1/3rd of the image. The thing that stands out the most is the crooked horizon/trees. You just need to rotate the image counter clockwise so the trees...
  8. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Looks a lot better. It took me a long time before I realized you could click on "visualize spots" in the bottom left corner when you open the healing brush in lightroom. Makes all the spots very easy to see...
  9. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    You beat me to it, exactly what I was going to say....
  10. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Agree with AZ.... one thing to add. In #2, the bird is looking away from you which is not ideal. I actually like this composition the best but it just doesn't work because of where he's looking. At minimum you want him looking perpendicular to you but ideally you want him looking somewhat in...
  11. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Those pics look pretty good to me. A few are a little too vibrant. I would make sure scene optimizer and auto HDR are off. You can always shoot in PRO mode. In that mode you can set the saturation before you take the image and you have full control of WB, shutter speed, ISO, etc. It will also...
  12. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    The FE was a little cheaper when I bought I mine. I paid $550-600 2 years ago I think. There were very little differences between the two, not enough to sway me either way so I bought the cheaper one. Either would be a good phone. I usually only take snapshots with my phone and I don't...
  13. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    I have had an S20 FE for about 2 years and it has been great. I bought my mom and dad one too and they haven't had any issues either. I saw a refurbished one on Amazon for less than $200. It has a good camera as far as phones go.
  14. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Composition is personal preference but it all depends on the look you are going for. There are "guidelines" though. This is a another good shot but it is slightly harder to compose properly because of the hen and the chick are looking different directions. I think you got it about as good you...
  15. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Great shot! The only thing I would change is the composition. Right now the hen is center composed. The rule of thirds would work great with this photo. Since she is looking down and to the left, I would place her head in the upper right intersection. Which means aiming the camera a little...
  16. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    That AI did an amazing job. The only thing I don't like is how it generated her leg sticking outward. It's almost like she's sitting on a chair. I would make her leg follow the contour of her body. Or if that's too hard maybe just crop a little off the bottom...
  17. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    It should do a pretty good job from what I've seen on youtube...
  18. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    That's a tough one. She's looking down and to the right so her head should be up and to the left (where you have it). But her body is facing left (even though she's swinging to the right, lol). I do feel like her body is too close to the edge. I would slide her to the right a little which would...
  19. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    Good reasoning. I darkened both backgrounds initially, because they were not natural and darkening helps to hide that. I didn't really like how much that lowered the overall exposure of the images though, so I tried brightening it instead. The background is smoother in the hawk, so it's less...
  20. mdees88

    Photo Critique Club

    AUTOmask, lol. Good catch.... I just did an auto subject detect mask, inverted it, and raised the background exposure by 1.5 stops. I normally slightly darken the background and slightly brighten the subject to make it pop a little. This results in a darker overall exposure though. Going...
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