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  1. Cassandragrenr

    Red golden pheasants enclosure!

    What can I use for water? Like do you use any specific water thing you use and if you do can you please send the link where you bought it from? (I know this sounds stupid, but I get really unsure when it comes to deciding by myself)
  2. Cassandragrenr

    Red golden pheasants enclosure!

    So like no ponds? And how many birds do you think could fit in something like this?
  3. Cassandragrenr

    Red golden pheasants enclosure!

    Would something like this be okay?
  4. Cassandragrenr

    Red golden pheasants enclosure!

    Hello! What do red golden pheasants need in an enclosure, and how big does it need to be? Please send pictures or links if you bought the enclosure from a website!! And what enrichment/toys do they need?? And or what decorations etc
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