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  1. U_Stormcrow

    How can I improve how I'm feeding my chickens?

    Nothing wrong with beach shell - its how they would get it in nature. I offered the other suggestions as a convenient way to get a bit of extra P into birds needing extra calcium. Chickens can't used plant-based phosphorus, your feed contains no animal sources which might provide trace...
  2. U_Stormcrow

    How can I improve how I'm feeding my chickens?

    Thanks. I hate your feed labels, btw. Not enough info to make a good decision. The 4% fat is not an issue in the feed, nor is its kcal/kg number concerning. I'd love to see more phosphorus (half again as much, 0.6%) but that has nothing to do with fat levels, either. Honestly, based on the...
  3. U_Stormcrow

    How can I improve how I'm feeding my chickens?

    No, if its weekly, you are fine. and yes, I don't recommend feeding scratch. When I need to encourage "scratching" behavior, I simply scatter pellets or crumble (which is what I currently feed). Honestly, with my birds, anything I throw is "treat" in their little dinosaur minds.
  4. U_Stormcrow

    How can I improve how I'm feeding my chickens?

    You'd be surprised how much I've learned when someone asks a question none of us know the answer to - so we sat down and worked it out. You don't know what you don't know, until...
  5. U_Stormcrow

    How can I improve how I'm feeding my chickens?

    If the Roos are fat, safe bet the hens are fatter. I butcher my own, and hens always have more fat than roos raised in identical conditions - they need it for when they get broody. Continue cutting out the scratch, boiled eggs should be one per five birds. We did the math. Beyond that, I'd...
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