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  1. BarnyardChaos

    How long to wait? When to step in… if needed

    If they moved to the side (of the heat zone) and are still cuddling, it's FINE. If they moved to the side (of the brooder) farthest away from the heat, it's too hot. It's better to be too cold than too hot. They can cuddle to conserve heat (and actually need less heat than we realize, IMHO) -...
  2. BarnyardChaos

    How long to wait? When to step in… if needed

    The chicks instinctively know what temperature they need. Their behavior is your best thermometer.
  3. BarnyardChaos

    How long to wait? When to step in… if needed

    I use a heat lamp, and keep the area directly under the bulb at about 98-100-deg-F for the first few days, but keep it to one side so that the opposite end of the brooder is a cooler space. Then just watch. If they bunch under the light, they're too cold. If they line the far edges of the...
  4. BarnyardChaos

    How long to wait? When to step in… if needed

    ... and that's why I don't use wood chips or anything for a week or two. I use paper towels for flooring. They need to be able to walk flat-footed on a surface with a little texture (not slick like newspaper) for several days or a week.
  5. BarnyardChaos

    How long to wait? When to step in… if needed

    Yes, offer chick starter and water immediately. Once they're fluffy and active, gently dip their beaks into the water. They'll swallow, and that's all it takes. I sprinkle some food on the floor of the brooder, and 'peck' or scratch at it with my finger. They catch on quickly. However, they may...
  6. BarnyardChaos

    How long to wait? When to step in… if needed

    LOL we posted at the same moment. Don't worry about that attachment to the shell. It will dry up and fall off momentarily. Chick is OK in the incubator overnight. Still, boost the humidity to 70% for the rest.
  7. BarnyardChaos

    How long to wait? When to step in… if needed

    Boost the humidity to 70%. Then go to bed and sleep well. Betcha there will be at least one chick in the morning. You only need to intervene if that pipped chick shows no progress for 24 hours. So if there's no change in the morning, make the hole a little bigger and see what's going on.
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