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  1. Annalyse

    Is lemon juice safe for dogs?

    So far I think the lemon juice has worked with the carpet and furniture. We got a flea collar for the dog and a tee shirt that repealed fleas that not sure if it works or not but we will try. Only have seen one flea ion him
  2. Annalyse

    Is lemon juice safe for dogs?

    We were thinking about bombing the house for 12 hours and that should kill any and all fleas at this point. The dog keeps getting them from the yard but we keep putting stuff down and nothing seems to work. I’ve been vacuuming and washing things daily. I’m going to put baking soda on the carpet...
  3. Annalyse

    Is lemon juice safe for dogs?

    He’s a toy poodle so small-medium size.
  4. Annalyse

    Is lemon juice safe for dogs?

    We tried front line and it did nothing all others brands are very expensive and we cannot afford to buy hundreds of dollars for a small thing. I found that Cyrus juice kills/deters fleas and they said to spray on dogs too but I’m not sure if his skin will be okay with it. It’s watered down.
  5. Annalyse

    Is lemon juice safe for dogs?

    Our dog has fleas and no matter how many baths we give him there in the house and end up everywhere. So I sprayed lemon juice (boiled lemons) everywhere and there’s some that say it’s safe for dogs skin and others say it’s not. What are your opinions?
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